• Retired admiral wanted in the U.S. faces the Justices(Update)

    Local November 16, 2012 | 11:08 am

    Santo Domingo.- Retired admiral Hiraldo Guerrero refused voluntary extradition to the U.S., and was ordered to attend a hearing on January 14 at the Supreme Court.

    FILE The justices of the Su[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Agents sweep slums, nab dealers in Brazil-type raids

    Local October 31, 2012 | 9:07 am

    Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) and National Police agents backed by helicopters and speedboats on Wednesday conducted a mass sweep against micro-traffickers in slums in the Ozama River’s we[...]

  • Three daylight gangland killings within 1 week

    Local September 27, 2012 | 7:58 am

    Santo Domingo.- In broad daylight, at least three gangland style executions have occurred in less than one week.

    Two men were found shot to death Saturday inside an SUV parked near the villa[...]

  • The President, VP declare middle-class wealth

    Local September 26, 2012 | 7:35 am

    Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina is worth RD$21.6 million, as stated in his financial statement filed September 13, while vice president Margarita Cedeño declared RD$23.7 million.

  • We’d leave within 5 years if denied mine permit, Xstrata warns

    Local September 13, 2012 | 11:54 am

    Santo Domingo. - The mining company Xstrata Nickel Falcondo will shutter Dominican Republic operations in less than five years if it doesn’t get the go ahead to exploit Loma Miranda, in central L[...]

  • Libya killings heighten security at U.S. Embassy

    Local September 12, 2012 | 11:36 am

    Santo Domingo.- Security at the U.S. Embassy in the Dominican capital has been heightened in the wake of attacks that killed U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and other officials.

  • Juicy perks in the struggling utility

    Local September 10, 2012 | 12:10 pm

    Santo Domingo.- Despite that the State-owned Electric Utility and the three energy distributors, EDES, are still in financial straits and still provide dislmal service the four government agencies [...]

  • Agents seize 9 trucks with 90,000 gl. smuggled fuel

    Local August 23, 2012 | 8:45 am

    SANTO DOMINGO.- Agents of the Industry and Commerce Ministry’s fuel control dept. (CECCOM) on Tuesday seized nine tanker trucks transporting more than 90,000 gallons of fuel smuggled into the cou[...]

  • Pregnant teenager with leukemia dies

    Local August 17, 2012 | 1:09 pm

    Santo Domingo.- A young womanin the early stages of pregnancy known only as Esperanza died early thismorning at the SEMMA clinic where she had been receiving chemotherapy for leukemia.


  • President Medina inspects military parade

    Local August 17, 2012 | 8:35 am

    Santo Domingo.-President Danilo Medina headed yesterday’s traditional military parade markingthe anniversary of the Restoration of the Republic every 16thAugust.

    Medina arrived at Sa[...]

  • Lawmakers keep perks, draw wide rebuke

    Local August 9, 2012 | 7:26 am

    Santo Domingo.- Lawyers and representatives of civil society organizations yesterday rebuked the deputies for amending on Tuesday the bill on wage caps, by excluding lawmakers from the bans on ben[...]

  • Men march against femicides

    Local July 31, 2012 | 3:47 pm

    Santo Domingo. - On Tuesday hundreds of men staged a long walk against the wave of violence plaguing the country to raise public awareness about men who commit femicide and for respect of women’s[...]

  • Salami sales plunged as merchants demand names

    Local July 27, 2012 | 9:23 am

    Santo Domingo.- Salami sales have plunged in the capital and merchants fear the worst.

    Street vendors who make a living from selling fried food yesterday joined the growing demand by consumer[...]