Santo Domingo residents experience water shortages

Santo Domingo.- Two of the city’s main supply sources have been reducedby 22.06 million gallons per day, leading to shortages in several areas of thecapital.
The Haina-Manoguayabo andDuey systems have reduced their water output by 26.62% and 14%, said CAASD waterauthority spokesman Valentín Sánchez.
The official said that theareas near JF Kennedy Avenue, the Herrera industrial zone, Los Ríos, LosPeralejos, Pueblo Nuevo, 24 de Abril, Obras Públicas, INVI, El Libertador,Pantoja and Girasoles, had been worst affected.
Sánchez added that servicesshould be back to normal later today, Thursday, for the areas whose watersupply was cut off after excavator on the Metro II line works damaged a waterpipe.
The broken water pipe on JohnF. Kennedy at the intersection with Doctor Defilló avenues caused delays in theconstruction works, but CAASD brigades acted quickly to mend the damage.