Local June 21, 2024 | 2:02 pm

FEDA invests RD$21.1 Million in solar energy for agriculture

Santo Domingo.- The Fund for Agricultural Development (FEDA) has invested RD$21.1 million in financing solar energy systems for the agricultural sector, according to Hecmilio Galván, the director of FEDA.

Galván highlighted that the Plan for the Transformation of the Energy Matrix of the Dominican Dairy Sector, executed by FEDA, benefits over 6,000 milk producers organized in 35 associations across the Dominican Republic. The plan aims to boost employment in the livestock sector and enhance the nation’s food security. It seeks to reduce the dependence of more than 100 dairy associations on electricity derived from oil.

Currently, national milk production is growing, with a total of 2.3 million liters per day and an annual per capita consumption of 85 liters. “Bovine livestock is one of the most important and dynamic agricultural subsectors in the country, present in all 31 provinces. It supports the livelihoods of over 100,000 Dominicans and supplies raw materials to more than 500 companies processing milk and its derivatives,” Galván emphasized.

He added that using solar energy in milk production and preservation at collection centers improves milk quality “from grades B and C to grade A,” thereby increasing producers’ income and the sustainability of their business models.

The Energy Matrix Transformation Plan is supported by the National Energy Commission, the Superintendency of Electricity, the National Council for the Regulation and Promotion of the Dairy Industry (Conaleche), and the General Directorate of Livestock (Digega). These organizations donate RD$200,000 to each dairy association through the Livestock Improvement Project (Promegan).

“This plan is reducing dairy production costs, creating employment, improving conservation processes, extending product shelf life, and raising product quality,” said the FEDA director.

Galván pointed out that using solar energy in dairy production boosts efficiency, sustainability, and profitability in cattle farming in the Dominican Republic, enhancing food security for the population.

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