Local August 24, 2024 | 9:31 am

Parents ready for back to school: a sneak peek before the big day!

Santo Domingo.- Back to school is just around the corner, and parents have been optimistic, fine-tuning the last details to send their children to school. In a survey conducted by this newspaper, the interviewees confessed their shopping tactics and their feelings about the date.

Most of the parents confessed to Hoy that they lack materials, and others have decided to recycle items from previous years, as is the case of Yahaira Fernandez, who has two girls and said that “things are a little expensive,” so she decided to reuse backpacks and uniforms.

Fernandez spoke with Hoy while she finished buying the books for her daughters, who are in fifth and sixth grade, and stated that it is impossible to make an unnecessary expense if some supplies are in good condition.

Among the upcoming changes for Fernandez and her offspring is the schedule of getting up and planning academic homework since this is basic.

Rossi and Rudilenny Diaz confirmed this, as they already have a structured routine in which it is up to them to get the students up and prepare their breakfast.

Rafael de la Rosa said that he even has ten days to get his two children up at 6:00 a.m. and put them to bed early so that they get used to it.

“There are many problems, they are always crying, but they are coping,” said Rosa, assuring that they are not enthusiastic about getting up early, ‘but they have to study, it is mandatory,’ he said.

Beyond the material, parents have also been preparing their children emotionally for the return to school. After a long vacation period, many children, like Yahaira Fernandez’s two daughters, are eager to reconnect with their friends and meet their new teachers.

With children ready and backpacks almost complete, parents are demonstrating their commitment to education. As the first day of school approaches, one can see the collective effort of families to get the school year off on the right foot and full of expectations.

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