Local November 18, 2021 | 6:48 am

Dominican Republic arrests 3 generals

Juan Carlos Torres Robiou.

Santo Domingo.- Local media report the arrests of at least three generals and three colonels in 49 raids thus far Thurs., as part of the Gov. corruption scandal, Operation Coral.

The raids took place in Santo Domingo, Santiago and La Vega, headed by lead prosecutors Yeni Berenice Reynoso and Wilson Camacho.

Arrested in addition to Torres of the Dominican Air Force, were the former head of the Specialized Body of Tourist Security (Cestur), General Julio Camilo de los Santos Viola, also Air Force, and General Boanerges Reyes Batista, of the Army of the Dominican Republic.

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Paul Tierney
November 18, 2021 8:09 am

These arrests are exposing more evidence of the institutional corruption that plagues the country. Guess what is on the mind of many in the population is how long is the country’s leadership going to scrub soil out of government organizations before the clean shows?

Deran Akullian Jr.
November 18, 2021 11:25 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

This would include the current president.

Luis Is The Worst President.
November 18, 2021 11:56 pm

Our president is the worst. He’s stealing 3 or 4 times as much as the last president. He’s selling our country to United States & China.

Luis Flores
March 16, 2022 9:19 pm

You must had a salary from the PLD

June 28, 2023 1:44 pm

What an ignorant comment he is trying to fix the corruption that has been happening In The country for so long and your saying he is stealing he doesn’t need to steal pesos he has enough of his own
Wake up and get your facts straight

August 15, 2023 7:15 am
Reply to  Tammy

I agree he is trying to clean up decades of corruption. You shouldn’t have to pay police off because the government does not pay them well.

January 23, 2024 12:42 am
Reply to  Carlo

I believe once he enters his second term, he can really dedicate his efforts to cleaning the corruption. The first term is hard to get it done. They spent a lot of energy focusing on infrastructure and modernization. Things like good roads and bridges. Improvements and expansion in transportation like train systems. If you don’t travel farther than your barrio, you wouldn’t be aware of all the new and modern growth and opportunities that has been emerging from this administration. Unfortunately they are not good at showcasing their many accomplishments.

April 24, 2024 1:55 pm
Reply to  King

Do they have many accomplishment? What he has done in turn of agriculture? Raising employees salary? There is still a health program issue there?

Isabel Contreras
March 29, 2024 9:33 pm
Reply to  Carlo

The first thing that Pres. Abinader, has to do during his second term is to remove the ability that foreing countries have to buy our land in DR. Mexico does not allow any forighners to buy mexican land. No other country besides the USA allows people to buy their land, but as we all know there is no comparison, especially know with the Haiti situation, where Canada is building a town for Haitians. Canada doesn’t want haitians in Canada, only in the Dominican Republic yes go figure.

April 29, 2024 12:57 am

Do you have any credible source to back up your statement regarding Canada’s plan to build a town for Haitians in The DR? I did a little google search nothing popped up. If you do, please share.

June 24, 2024 11:03 am
Reply to  John

Shame on you. More than 3 M DR Nationals live in USA. 1/3 of them with no legal docs. Whats wrong with Haitians live in you country country. They are the backbones of your economy.

September 2, 2024 5:06 pm
Reply to  Brun

???????????????????????? there’s nothing wrong with them living in our country, they have always been able to. But they are not the backbone of our economy ???????? they are the backbone of USA black market exchange Zone if not, you can ask Hilary Clinton, she has mayor businesses in Haiti and not the type ones that you would bring your KIDS near if you don’t want them to disappear. Tourism is the main source of income in the DR, is the #1 destiny to travel to in the whole Caribbean. And the amount of cash DR spends in medical assistance for Haitians is way bigger than the little money gained with the small merchants exchange at the border were we only have 2 markets in the whole border. DR criminals buy their guns in Haiti, so who’s getting economical benefits from this? …well who ever is providing the arms to Haiti and everyone in Haiti and the DR knows that the USA are the ones flooding the streets with them and providing them to the gang members liders. A 1% , the richest ones, and USA are the ones who most benefit from Haiti situation, not the DR. They represent an economic loss. The DR has a very corrupted political history of their governments, meaning that the funds to help the Dominican population are constantly stolen provoking NO SOCIAL SECURITY in the country (is 2024 and we have daily electricity blackouts) and even with this economic deficit we DON’T close our Hospitals doors to none of them. They come to our country and give birth to their babies and not a single Peso is charged to them. $1 USD = $ 56 RDP. Meaning we don’t charge them not even 5.6 ¢ from a $1 US dollar. We are 12 millions including 1 million of Haitians, Haiti situation it’s been the same since before we got independent from them in 1844 and we make sure to keep it like that, don’t forget that little fact. And if the DR weren’t being directed by such corrupt politicians then their wouldn’t be Dominicans emigrating from their beautiful island and we would have given more support to Haitians. The DR is an entirely God believer country, unfortunately most of the Haiti country is not and where God is not at then NOTHING will be at.

Patrick Gustave
January 25, 2025 8:56 pm
Reply to  Lula

Lula , have you ever been to Haiti? Because your info isn’t neither straight nor real. You explaining a second hand information. If the 2 bi- national market doesn’t mean a thing to DR , close it once for all then we’ll see if what you say is true or false.

Isabel Mariposa
September 5, 2024 12:42 pm
Reply to  Brun

Shame on you! ahold! Go support them yourself Dominicans everywhere we go we contribute, we don’t come to the US to have Babies!! and take from native Dominicans. YOU BRUN BRUN can you compare the economy of the US to the DR? only you can say something like that were is our economy compare to the US and you want us to support HAITIANS! (vete a freir moscas) You are a moron, I hope you dont live in DR, that’s my point, all these haitians think to come and take advantage of other people’s economies and money and then they will steal your country invade it so to speak. Go invade the US CANADA FRANCE. We are too close to you I wish we could move our Island.

Isabel Mariposa
September 5, 2024 12:53 pm
Reply to  Brun

Dominicans know for sure that you hate us. Your children don’t even honor our National Anthem, they don’t stand up in SCOLLS same place where they go for education. So WHY DO YOU COME HERE? you don’t teach your kids to respect, this is not your country, you never understand we are separate island, there are an binding accord you were france; we were Spain get it thoroug your heads. WE are not the same more than color involved here, go read, learn about the differences, You have to have been born as a Dominican ancestry and all, not as a Haitian bornin Dominican Republic.

In the US we have to abide by the laws of this Country Dominicans don’t try to come and take over and bring their way of life, every one foreign national abides by these rules if not they will face consequences and no one tells the US anything. Hatians want to do what they please in DR and all these blood suckers parasites start screaming. Go fly a Kite.,

September 17, 2024 8:38 am

You need to be quiet and do some research get your facts straight Up.

September 17, 2024 8:20 am
Reply to  John

This is new to me.. Canada is building a town for Haitians in the Dominican republic…..Fake News!

John Venier
May 29, 2024 12:48 pm

Thats untrue. You should really do your due diligence and get the facts straight. Mexico does allow other foreigners to buy land and own it. Even without permanent residency. Been there owned land and a home there before.

J. Delira
July 12, 2024 6:22 am

You had to bring the Haitians to the conversation. What do the Haitians have to do with this conversation?

August 4, 2024 10:31 pm

Stop making things up. Canada doesn’t have issues with haitians. Haitians and tourism are the backbone of the Dominican Republic so without those two you’re done.

August 8, 2024 10:53 am

Not true. Most countries around the world allows foreigners to purchase land. How do you think Punta Cana got built? That’s all foreign money! It didn’t get built with pesos. Take away foreign money from DR and it will slowly deteriorate.

Isabel Mariposa
September 5, 2024 12:28 pm
Reply to  Thomas

Of course, these countries
Mexico nor China, the UK; and others, does not allow forigners, to buy land in their countries.

Isabel Mariposa
September 5, 2024 12:33 pm

Why don’t you stop watch the real news and dig deeper to know what’s really going on. I don’t have to tell you where to go, read and do your own research, talk to people in the know. duh!

November 5, 2024 11:33 am

You are wrong foreigners can buy in Mexico.Europe.And even Russia.
Basicly most countries in the world allow foreigners to buy land… Get your facts straight..and stop posting wrong facts.

January 25, 2025 7:36 am
Reply to  Maxi

I don’t think that it’s worth exchanging words with ignorant people. Those ignorant and haters Dominican people make me sick in my stomach. Their conversation is, has and will always be centered around Haitians.
Let me tell you, if we had good leaders in Haiti, you, Dominican people would be the ones coming to work in Haiti. And that day will come when you will be begging Haitians to go to your country and only a few will go. You, Dominican people will bow down on your knees in front of Haitian people and will apologize for all you have done to us.
The day will come for Haiti to see a new horizon and it’s coming very fast.
You’re talking shit about Haiti not being a God fearing country. Who do you think you can fool with that Bs?
All those developped countries that are destroying other countries by killing their leaders because they don’t want to do their will, are they God fearing country?
You’re so much fear God and are not as developed as those countries?
Yes, fearing is important, but don’t let ignorance blind you by believing that for a country to be successful, it has to mandatorily believe in that.
That are just rubbish thoughts .
I am confident that one day you would love to talk about my beloved and great Haiti and won’t find absolutely anything to say about it.
Oh! By the way, I would like to remind you that you, the Dominican people are the ones who hate us just because we occupied your territory for 20+ years.
We, Haitians have no problem whatsoever with you guys. And if there are some of us that hate is because you hate us first.
Recuerde siempre que nosotros una gran naciòn y siempre lo seremos!

January 22, 2025 7:22 pm

I get your point however the tourists who come and eventually invest and buy your country’s property is not only strengthening your economy , it certainly is the reason your country is now considered as a developing nation as opposed to a third world Country . Not only does Your Country Benefit , but the people are actually seeing change for the better.

January 27, 2025 10:10 am

U make no sense. Canada has no interest in building a town for anyone other than Canadians!

April 29, 2024 6:16 am
Reply to  Tammy

Those vultures are never satisfied,enough!,please

August 15, 2023 7:18 am

It’s a global economy. Stop taxing the citizens on imports so they can live a better life. Pay your police more so that there is less corruption instead of asking for hand outs which is bribery

Gus Michalis
October 3, 2023 12:48 pm

The fact that the people need to jump through hoops to get a bank account tells all you need to know about distribution of wealth in the DR.
Anti-Laundering Policies, make it difficult for the citizen with little formal education.

January 23, 2024 12:32 am

Do you have any substance to substantiate this claim ????

Christopher David Brownlee
March 3, 2024 8:50 am

Well USA why not? 3.5 Million Dominicans live in United States and about 1.2 Ilegal Dominican live in USA…your argumentos is weak

January 23, 2024 12:29 am

Proof please.

September 4, 2024 1:27 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney

No, the generals keep all the money for themselves and didn’t pay the politicians and judges. It was greed

Deran Akullian Jr.
November 18, 2021 11:24 am

The purge of the oppisition goes on.

August 15, 2023 7:16 am

There would be no purge if the government was not corrupt and actually worked for there citizens.

Kennado Foster
October 4, 2023 6:49 am

Everone in Dominican Republic is corrupt

November 26, 2023 10:01 pm
Reply to  Kennado Foster

Not everyone buts,, YES Way too many,thieves,get overs,,, still Love it,,,,,, ????

Jose Castellanos
December 12, 2023 10:45 pm
Reply to  Kennado Foster

Really that’s old news body

January 21, 2024 4:49 am

Limpiar el gobierno de todos los países,

August 8, 2024 12:33 pm

What a blessing and a curse for the Dominican Republic and its government and people if they conform to the disastrous leaning ideals of other nations as they seem to flow into permissive societies without boundaries…GOD HELP US!!

August 27, 2024 4:48 pm

I hope my new PLD President will ban USA and china in the near future. I love my country so much. I want to fight for my countrY. LUIS ABINADER IS A BAD PRESIDENT. I am happy that the dominican police were arresting 3 generals in my country. I want the new PLD president to focus on my country for fix the economy and other important things without USA and china. They need to change the laws for the president and generals

October 17, 2024 10:56 am

This discussion about foreign investors buying land should be a concern but not as you think , the real treat is not the tourist who falls in love with your country and wants to live and contribute to and support the economy and produce jobs to the locals , the real threat is American Corperations who like in the United States are buying up everything and then raising the rents to an unsustainable situation that causes rents to go up everywhere ! Corporate Greed will eventually be your enemy if allowed in your country.

November 5, 2024 11:44 am
Reply to  John

Correct the big corporation are a problem and the macdonald’s fastfood companies are poisoning the people