Local December 15, 2024 | 7:28 am

Homicide case numbers continue to plummet, police say

Santo Domingo – Within the framework of the seventy-third weekly crime statistics report, corresponding to the days up to December 6, 2024, the Joint Task Force highlighted significant progress in reducing homicides in the country.

As of December 6, the cumulative homicide rate per 100,000 residents stood at 9.58, marking the lowest figure recorded so far this year.

This achievement is the result of coordinated efforts among security institutions and the implementation of effective crime prevention strategies.

The specific rate for December was reported at 10.17, which represents a reduction of 0.43 points compared to December 2023.

This is equivalent to a percentage decrease of 4%, consolidating a positive trend in the fight against crime.*19 territories with rates below 10.0

*Another relevant data is the behavior of the accumulated rates in the different provinces and municipalities.

Currently, 16 provinces and three municipalities of Greater Santo Domingo have rates below 10.0, adding up to a total of 19 territories that reflect a controlled level of homicides.

In addition, six provinces remain in the 10-point range, evidencing the impact of public security policies in these demarcations.

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