Bavaro & Punta Cana January 19, 2025 | 8:00 am

Beach where tourists died had a red flag; hotel shows solidarity

Punta Cana — RIU Hotels & Resorts expressed its solidarity with the families affected by the unfortunate accident where three of its customers lost their lives and another was missing.

According to the statement, the tragic incident took place on a beach where the red flag was raised, indicating the presence of strong currents and high waves, which pose a risk to bathers. Despite this warning, “several guests entered the water and were swept away by the currents.”

The hotel staff assures that they acted immediately upon noticing the emergency, deploying a medical team and collaborators to provide first aid. Despite “efforts to stabilize the victims, three people unfortunately died after being transferred to a medical center.” In addition, three other people in the water managed to be rescued and are in stable condition.

RIU Hotels & Resorts has reaffirmed its willingness to collaborate with the local authorities to locate the missing person and continue supporting the affected families in every way necessary.

“We will continue to do everything humanly possible to support the families of those affected, offering our unconditional collaboration at this sad time,” he said in a statement sent to the media.

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Paul Tierney
January 19, 2025 9:23 am

The red flag may have been out, maybe placed by the RIU’s. Yet, a question to be asked, who was there to advise beachgoers the meaning of the flag, to stay out of the surf? There is a critical need for full-time lifeguards and flags at all beaches.

January 21, 2025 7:37 pm

Does “All Inclusive” include a coffin?
Shame is what I witnessed at Playa Arena Gorda. A true embarrassment of the highest order. Shame on two of the largest hotels in the Dominican Republic.
(I implore you to get the footage from the multiple cameras pointing in the direction of this incident. Cameras were clearly visible from the Cana Bay Beach Club.)
Yes, the was Red Flags were on full display. Yes, the waves were large. However, that’s no excuse for what my family witnessed at the beach the other day.
Shortly after getting to the beach, I saw a group of tourists pulling a lifeless body onto the beach. It was clear they pulled him from the water, drowning. Several people in group began CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). A woman and I, rushed over to see if we could help. She was a nurse and thought she could apply her training. I watched and waited to see if I could help in any way possible.   
Dozens of other tourists jumped in, doing whatever they could to help.
Most importantly, what I didn’t see, ANY staff member helping, let alone a lifeguard. 
People began screaming that there were other people missing / struggling in the water.
While I began scanning the waves to see where the others were, my niece ran to the Hard Rock hotel seeking assistance from their lifeguards. Apon reaching their station, she was surprised that none of them had any idea of the situation happening a mere 100 yards away. Screaming and pointing toward the lifeless body on the beach (with tourists still performing CPR), they finally took her seriously. 
Upon asking, can’t you do anything, one lifeguard stated, “I don’t know CPR!”
You’re not a lifeguard if you don’t know CPR! What are these people here for, show?
Meanwhile, I was able to locate the other two victims floating in the water. At that time, I believed they were floating on their backs as to not panic. Anyone caught in a riptide knows, don’t panic, relax and let anyone come to get you. Don’t try to swim back to shore.
Seeing NO ONE from either hotel coming to their aid, I too then ran to the Hard Rock. I kept my hand outstretched pointing at the victims as to not lose sight of them.
Upon reaching the lifeguard station, there was no one there. Then two guards, seemingly unaware of what was happening came over to me. (again, check the video from the cameras) I was still pointing at two bodies floating in the water and informing them of the situation! 
They got on their radios and I felt as if something was being done. I was wrong. 
However, the most shocking and shameful part about this entire situation was the complete and total carelessness, the lack of communication between any of the staff, the hotels, and emergency services. 
It had to have been at least 30 minutes since the first man was dragged from the water, and yet, NO STAFF OR LIFEGUARD WAS HELPING!!!
To add insult to the lives that were lost, while all of this was going on, there was a Power Sailing boat still pulling people around. I screamed at the lifeguards to call the man in the boat. He was practically driving over the bodies still in the water. No one could contact him. He just kept going around and around as if there weren’t any people dying right next to the boat.
Finally, finally, a boat came to help the two victims in the water. However, again, no one could contact him. Keeping my hand pointing at the victims in the water, we got many other people on the beach, shouting and pointing at the bodies. Unable to contact even the rescue boat, he turned the wrong way. 
Turning, turning, turning, precious time was lost. Up and down the coast he went with dozens of us tourists, screaming and pointing as the two other tourists were drowning and floating along the shore. 
People die on vacation. People drown at home in their pool. That’s a fact.
Another fact is what I personally witnessed at Playa Arena Gorda was shameful. It’s the total and utter lack of the most basic safety procedures that killed those people. There was no communication, absolutely no safety equipment, and clearly no training on what to do in an emergency.
Blood is on the hands of the greedy hotels and the entire Punta Cana tourist industry. They’re quick to take your money but, should you be drowning, you’re on your own! This is surely a vacation I’ll never forget, just not for the reasons I came down here for. 
May the families of the victims please know this, the other ordinary people who came to the beach that day just to enjoy time together, just as your mother, father, brother, sister, aunt or uncle, did, did everything we could do in the situation to help them. My family and I are greatly sorry for your loss and our hearts go out to you in this difficult time.
(Check the video footage from that day!)