Economy June 17, 2024 | 9:35 am

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Dominican State assets amount to RD$12.4 billion

Santo Domingo.- Minister of the Presidency Joel Santos Echavarría announced the results of the first phase of the National Census of State Real Estate, which registered a total of 46,737 properties valued at RD$12,415,672,527,850.20.

During a joint press conference with Rafael A. Burgos Gómez, Director of National Assets and honorary member of the State Sugar Council, Santos Echavarría recalled that President Luis Abinader authorized the census through decree 414-22 on August 3, 2022. The census was completed in record time.

Santos Echavarría emphasized that the results strengthen the government’s transparency plan by providing an inventory of state property assets. This initiative aims to protect state properties and improve institutional services. The public now has access to reliable data on the real value of properties owned by the Dominican State.

Santos highlighted that the census facilitates the optimal use of state assets in services and production, aligning with strategies that benefit the population.

Burgos Gómez reported that 46,737 state properties were registered nationwide, with a total value exceeding RD$12.4 billion. He underscored the census’s importance in understanding the state’s assets and their value. He also expressed gratitude to the decentralized and autonomous institutions that participated in the survey.

The census consists of four phases, with the second phase focusing on counting dams and land roads in the country.

Additional details revealed:

  • The Legislative Branch’s land and buildings cover 3,236,617.93 m², valued at RD$100,597,428,564.00.
  • The Judicial Branch has 7,492,709.56 m² of land and buildings, valued at RD$35,508,242,165.39.
  • Constitutional bodies with extra power or reinforced autonomy have 526,867.36 m², valued at RD$15,456,954,145.67.
  • The Executive Branch covers 407,807.14 m², valued at RD$9,383,960,932.00.


  • Ministries possess 51,011,020.39 m² of buildings and land, with an economic value of RD$466,506,922,061.58.
  • Councils, commissions, and committees cover 62,613,982.20 m², totaling RD$845,529,170,320.87.
  • Functionally decentralized organizations, which have legal personality, cover 371,753,517.23 m², valued at RD$2,841,420,864,772.03.
  • Territorially decentralized organizations, part of local government, cover 41,544,220.68 m², valued at RD$246,405,381,159.55.
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June 21, 2024 12:56 pm

12 Trillions 415 Billions 672 Millions 527 Thousands 850 Hundreds and 20 cents