Local August 19, 2013 | 11:27 am

Youngsters publish Dominican government corruption “Album”

Santo Domingo.- The National Youth Action Network said Monday it won’t retract from the "Album of Public Rumor: Corruption and impunity in Danilo Medina’s government’, “not even a iota” and rejected the warning by National Competitiveness Council (CNC) director Andres Van Der Horst Alvarez, who issued a deadline prior to expected court action.

The youngsters grouped in the organization REDNAJOVEN sent a court notice to Van Der Horst, affirming that they won’t change any of the content of the document released as part of its campaign against corruption and impunity "Stop that."

They said they have gathered documents and filed various complaints to base their demand that prosecutors investigate thoe government agencies.

One of the groups, Youth Action Network, said in Van Der Horst’s case it has provided information from the Accounts Chamber and news outlet Acento.com.do, which allegedly reveal malfeasance in CMC allocations from European Union funds to support its Competitiveness Project.

Youth Action Network representative José Luis Morillo said none of the sources cited in the Album has retracted the information published thus far, as Van Der Horst has suggested publicly.

It challenged Van der Horst to argue the Album’s merits in court and warned of the “consequences of legal actions of a reckless nature," it said in a document sent to Medina.

The organization added that aside from holding their ground, it will expand the Album on alleged corruption, from the various by organizations taking part in the "Stop that" campaign.

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