The 10 public offices that earn the most money in the Dominican Republic

Most of the officials who occupy these positions are in charge of finance, banks, and taxes.
Many people dream of working in the Dominican State due to the significant advantages of some public positions, which sometimes go beyond a fixed salary, such as gasoline, vehicles, drivers, security, diets, and more.
However, those who write do not know whether to cite 10 cases of the State in general or include the Central Bank’s highest salaries because we would almost rank in these salaries.
So we will only take the two leading officials of the bank, and we will go to other public entities to be “fair” since several positions of the financial entity win over President Luis Abinader.
The following clarification is also valid: in other entities, there are also gross salaries that exceed Abinader’s salary, but if we focus on them, the top would not be 10 to reach the president because we would have to mention some advisers, department managers, and others.
Here are the ten public positions with the best gross salary in the Dominican Republic:
1. Héctor Manuel Valdez Albizu, governor of the Central Bank, earns a gross monthly salary (without deductions) of RD $ 1,513,380. He is in charge of this entity that is in charge of executing monetary and exchange policies, issuing banknotes and coins of legal tender in the country, managing international reserves and the Contingency Fund, as well as counteracting inflationary trends, among other functions. In addition, Valdez Albizu is the president of the Monetary Board.
2. Clarissa de la Rocha de Torres, deputy governor of the Central Bank, receives a gross salary of RD $ 1,411,790 each month for her duties. She acts as president of the Monetary Board in case of the absence or temporary impediment of the governor. When not presiding over it, he attends the sessions with voice but without a vote.
3. Alejandro Eduardo Fernández Whipple , Superintendent of Banks , earns RD $ 999,970.48 . Its primary functions are to carry out, with full functional autonomy, the supervision of financial intermediation entities, require the constitution of provisions to cover risks, demand the regularization of legal breaches, impose sanctions, and many more.
4. Josefa Aquilina Castillo Rodríguez , Insurance Superintendent , earns a gross monthly salary of RD $ 800,000 . Among some of its functions are to examine all the businesses, assets, books and files, documents and correspondence of the individuals and legal entities of insurance, reinsurance, intermediaries, and adjusters, to establish the general uniform rules of accounting and chart of accounts of the insurance institutions, among others.
5. Gabriel Alcange Castro González, Superintendent of the Stock Market, earns RD $ 770,000 per month. Some functions of this entity are: to promote, regulate and supervise the domestic securities market and promote a price formation for financial instruments based on a concurrent supply and demand.
6. Eduardo José Sanz Lovatón, General Director of Customs, earns RD $ 630,919. It is the national border authority; its responsibility transcends the collecting role to be the guarantor of the health of the population and the security of the State since, in the processes of entry and exit of merchandise, it has to require all documentation and permits that are needed by other competent authorities.
7. The Director of Internal Taxes, Luis Valdez Veras, has a gross salary of RD $ 598,772. He directs the entity in charge of managing and collecting the central taxes and fees in the country.
8. Rafael Aníbal Velazco Espaillat , Electricity Superintendent , charges RD $ 596,546.76 . The entity of which this official is the owner and supervises compliance with the legal, regulatory, and technical provisions applicable to the subsector in relation to the development of electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and commercialization activities, and likewise is responsible for establishing the rates and tolls subject to price regulation.
9. Nelson de Jesús Arroyo Perdomo, president of the Board of Directors of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel), earns a gross salary of RD $ 515,506 . The institution is in charge of ensuring the rights of clients, users, and providers of telecommunications services and the public domain of the radioelectric spectrum in the country.
10. If we did not have any, this position is occupied by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, who earns a gross monthly salary of RD $ 450,000.
Two months after assuming power, the president indicated that he would donate his monthly salary to social causes. Some of its functions are to preside over the solemn acts of the nation, promulgate and publish the laws and resolutions of the National Congress, issue decrees, regulations and instructions when necessary; appoint or remove the members of the military, and police jurisdictions, take the required measures—required to provide and guarantee the legitimate defense of the Nation, among many more.