Requirements to obtain Dominican nationality

Dominican Republic flag
Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic is much more than its beautiful beaches and climate; that is why anyone considering obtaining a 2nd nationality is usually interested and decides to obtain it on this Caribbean island.
Therefore, today we present the requirements to make your application for Ordinary Naturalization:
Application form for Naturalization, prepared by the MIP.
Application (letter) addressed to the Executive Power via the Minister of Interior and Police.
Five color photographs 2×2 front view, recent of the interested party (a) in the case that an interested party is a man, must be trimmed and shaved.
Two (2) certifications of the General Direction of Migration where it is stated that they have more than two years of Residence in the country and that they have deposited a letter of guarantee at that address.
Color copy of the residence permit (in force) with a minimum of six (6) months before its expiration date.
Certificate of NO judicial record issued by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, valid for at least three (3) months.
Birth certificate (ORIGINAL) duly apostilled (formality required to certify the authenticity of the signature, the capacity in which the signatory of the document has acted, and, in its case, the identity of the seal or stamp of which the document is covered) according to the established in the Hague Convention d/f 05/10/1961, with a minimum of six (6) months of validity. In case the country of origin of the interested party (a) is not a signatory of said convention, the act must be legalized (certificate or note with the signature and seal that proves the authenticity of the document or signature) in the Dominican Consulate or Embassy accredited in the country of origin of the interested party (a) and in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic. In case the document is in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated by a judicial translator and legalized by the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic.
Letter of guarantee notarized and legalized in the General Attorney’s Office of the Republic, sustained by a Dominican person of origin, with economic solvency, where the guarantor declares that they are responsible for the moral and economic conditions, living expenses, and repatriation if necessary, with respect to the applicant. This declaration must indicate the property details and the vehicle they are guaranteeing. In addition, if the guarantor is married, they must provide the authorization of the wife with a copy of her identity card and of the witnesses that appear in the act. In addition to:
Copy of the identity card of the guarantor and of the witnesses (if applicable).
Copy of the property title deed.
Copy of the vehicle registration.
Bank letter.
Affidavit with three (3) Dominican witnesses of origin, where the interested party establishes domicile in the Dominican Republic, made before a Notary Public in the Dominican Republic and duly legalized in the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic. It annexes a copy of the identity and electoral cards of the witnesses that appear in the act.
Invoice of a newspaper of national circulation by the concept of the right to publication of notice of Dominican nationality.
A receipt of application for Naturalization in the amount of one thousand five hundred pesos (RD$1,500.00).
Color copy of the first three pages of the applicant’s Passport.
Complete color copy of the Passport
In case of having obtained another nationality different from the one of origin, attach a summary history of the same.
15 In the case that the interested party has obtained a change of name, it will have to deposit the act where the change of name is authorized, apostilled, and translated to Spanish if it is in another language.
When the interested party is going to be sworn in as a naturalized Dominican, they must pay a receipt for the right to be sworn in in the amount of five thousand pesos (RD$5,000.00).
Five (5) sets of copies of all the documents mentioned above.
Note: The interested party must come to an interview that will be conducted in the official language of the Dominican Republic, as established in Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic, one week after having deposited all the above requirements, which must be duly legalized, organized as is and must bring Passport at the time of the interview.
For any information, please get in touch with tel. 809 686-6251 ext. 3211 and 3212 or access the web portal
It is recalled that President Luis Abinader granted this Wednesday the Dominican nationality to the outstanding Peruvian writer, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize for Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa.
After accepting the Dominican nationality, the famous writer, Vargas Llosa, affirmed that the Dominican Republic is an example for Latin America because it is going in the right direction, despite the fact that the region is going through some difficult times.