Local May 18, 2024 | 11:12 am

Who are the candidates?

Leonel, Abinader, Martinez

Santo Domingo—With a diverse range of candidates, the country is preparing to elect the president tomorrow, a decisive choice for democracy. Among the nine hopefuls are leading figures from politics, academia, and civil society.

From seasoned former presidents to emerging leaders, each candidate offers a unique vision and varied proposals to address the nation’s challenges.

Its policy platforms range from economic reform to environmental protection and the promotion of social equality.

This decisive electoral process will define the country’s course for the next four years.

Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona

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PRM Candidate

He was born on July 12, 1967, in Santo Domingo and graduated from Loyola College with a degree in Economics from the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo. He completed postgraduate studies at Harvard, Hult International Business School, and Dartmouth College. He is married to Raquel Arbaje, with whom he has three daughters: Esther Patricia, Graciela Lucía, and Adriana Margarita. His parents are José Rafael Abinader Wassaf and Rosa Sula Corona Caba. He joined the PRD in 1993, a member of the National Executive Committee (CEN), vice president in 2005, and vice-presidential candidate in 2012. He won the presidency of the Republic in 2020 for the PRM, a split from the PRD.

Leonel Fernandez Reyna

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Fuerza del Pueblo Candidate

He was born on December 26, 1953 in Santo Domingo. He is the son of Yolanda Reyna Romero and José Antonio Fernández Collado. In 1962, he emigrated to New York.

He graduated Magna Laude in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). PhD in International Law from the University of Paris. He has three children, Nicole, Omar, and Yolanda America. He joined the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) in college, where he had a meteoric rise.

Former President of the Republic from 1996 to 2000 and 2004 to 2012. He is also the founder and president of the Global Democracy Foundation and the People’s Force (FP) party.

Abel Martínez Durán

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LDP Candidate

He was born on April 21, 1972 in Santiago. He was the son of Ramón Martínez and Mélida Durán. He graduated in Law in 1996 and then obtained a postgraduate degree in Commercial and Corporate Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). Former Legal Consultant at the Technological University of Santiago (Utesa).

Militant of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD). Prosecutor of Santiago 1998-2000. Deputy for Santiago from 2002-2006 2006-2010. Speaker of the House of Representatives 2010-2016. He was mayor of Santiago from 2016 to 2020. He married Nahiony Reyes, with whom he had two children: Abel Arturo and Laia Victoria.

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May 18, 2024 4:55 pm

Who cares. All those degrees and is still a third world country. One of the most corrupt nations in the world.