Local June 15, 2024 | 9:10 am

Ensanche Luperón: Between noise and motorized crime

Luperón – Tales of armed robberies are what most residents of Ensanche Luperón have to tell, who are afraid to go out even in broad daylight for fear of being victims of motorized criminals.

“They put a knife to my neck in front of the Moscoso Puello Hospital and I had to hand over everything I was carrying in order to save my life,” is the testimony of Braulio Germán, president of the Union of Neighborhood Councils of Ensanche Luperón.

In his opinion, the location of this populous sector is an easy prey for antisocials, mostly hooded motorists, to commit their misdeeds, since it is in the center of the neighborhoods with the highest crime rate, to the North, Ensanche Capotillo and Zurza; to the South, Mejoramiento Social and María Auxiliadora; to the East, Villas Agrícolas, and to the West, Espaillat.

In a tour of this district, we observed that not only the residents are afraid of being robbed, but also businesses such as lottery banks, grocery stores, stores, barbershops and other commercial establishments are forced to offer their services through metal barriers.

Likewise, community leader Sandy Rosario said that cars are frequently broken into. “Not even in the houses can one be at ease because the motorized vehicles enter the houses and at the point of guns force them to hand over their belongings”.

He explained that the new modality of house robbery consists of the “PVC technique” which is carried out through the use of rat glue on a pipe or stick, and with this they can remove objects near the windows, and even the keys with which they can enter the houses.

Three years without a police force
The police station in Ensanche Luperon was dismantled three years ago, in order to build a more modern one, and in accordance with the demands of the sector.

In this regard, Daniel D’Oleo, of the Union of Neighbors of Ensanche Luperon, informed that this van was installed on a provisional basis.

“That was three years ago and now the people do not have a properly equipped place to file their complaints”.

He pointed out that in this neighborhood, crime is increasing every day, for which reason he asked that this detachment be completed and at the same time that patrols be increased in this area.

Noise pollution
As it is known, Ensanche Luperón is a sector that has grown in commercial terms, especially with the Chinese importers, barbershops, beauty salons, grocery stores and bars, so the noise emanating from these commercial establishments is uncontrollable.

For this reason, the communities demand that the Anti-noise Department, which has agents specialized in this matter, take control and apply Law 90-19, on prevention, suppression and limitation of noxious and annoying noises that produce noise pollution.

It is important to note that the Anti-noise Department of the National Police is the body in charge of preventing and controlling noise levels in public and private spaces.

In addition, it works in coordination with the Alcoholic Beverages Control Directorate (COBA) and with the Specialized Environmental Attorney’s Office (Procuraduría Especializada de Medio Ambiente).

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