Local August 17, 2024 | 9:19 am

Luis Abinader to present constitutional reform bill to Congress on Monday

Santo Domingo – After taking the oath before the National Assembly for the second consecutive term, President Luis Abinader announced that next Monday, 19, he will present to the National Congress the draft bill convening the Revising Assembly to introduce in the Constitution the shield that makes it impossible for any ruler in the present or in the future to eternalize in power beyond the two four-year terms that the Magna Carta contemplates today.

“We will use the largest congressional majority obtained so far, not to use it, but to serve democracy. This is how I understand the exercise of power and my obligation to it,” said the head of statState recalled that indefinite reelection has been a cause of political instability that has affected democracy and development, not only in the country but throughout Latin America and in other parts of the world.


“For this reason, this reform will be the first of all those that we will introduce, because it is necessary, to guarantee political, economic, and social stability,” said the head of statState in his speech, which began at noon and lasted about 50 minutes, the president said that from occupying the worst places, the Dominican Republic has become among the countries in the region best evaluated by international organizations in terms of the fight against corruption and to be among the first in transparency—legitimacy of the StatState independence of the judiciary.

“Precisely the reforms that we are undertaking in this period of government are aimed at deepening the quality of democracy by making our institutions more efficient and austere and guaranteeing independence and the separation of powers,” he said.

Hence, he stressed the importance of enshrining in the Constitution a mechanism for electing the independent Public Prosecutor’s Office, which consolidates it as an institution that exercises its functions without political interference and impartiality to fight impunity. The president added that much has been achieved in the last four years, “but we are alone at the beginning of the ambitious plan of reforms that will continue to change this nation.”

Other reforms

In the swearing-in ceremony at the Eduardo Brito National Theater, Abinader announced that he would promote other important reforms, such as labor reform, with the aim of updating the regulatory framework of labor, strengthening social protection, adapting legislation to the new realities of the labor market, and promoting the creation of quality jobs with decent wages.

He referred to fiscal reform focused on three basic objectives: guaranteeing healthy public finances, reducing debt, and ensuring resources to improve health services, security, and fundamental infrastructures for development.

The tax reform will include a reform of public spending and a tax reform. The latter will guarantee the resources to materialize projects such as the cable car and tram of Santo Domingo, the Santiago monorail, or the metropolitan train that will connect the center of the capital with the International Airport of the Americas and 30 other urban areas.

The president promised to allocate more resources to the municipalities.

During his presentation to a captive audience, the president said that to achieve a more efficient State, a restructuring will be carried out through the merger or elimination of unnecessary institutions and the implementation of measures to contain spending.


Regarding crime, he affirmed that he would continue to strengthen the National Police, create more opportunities for young people, and promote a culture of peace.


After citing educational advances, Abinader said he would focus on training teachers, considering that they are the basis of an excellent educational system. Likewise, it will continue to improve the conditions of students, increasing the provision of textbooks and other learning resources. He also cited the School Transportation System (TRAE), which will reach the entire school population by the end of this year. It reaffirmed its commitment to education at all initial, higher, and technical levels.

Bless you

In terms of health, the president said he would present a social security system reform.
He pondered that the largest health budget in history has been achieved and that practically all Dominicans have family health insurance.


At the end of the ceremony, on the occasion of Restoration Day, the head of state stated a wreath at the Altar of the Homeland.

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