Tourism April 25, 2023 | 8:12 am

US Embassy in the Dominican Republic recommends its travelers not to show signs of wealth

The US Embassy in the Dominican Republic has issued a set of precautionary measures for its travelers before entering the country. In an official publication on its website, the Embassy advised its citizens to avoid displaying signs of affluence, such as expensive jewelry or watches, and to exercise caution in their surroundings.

The Embassy also recommended that tourists heed the advice of their tour operators and resort regarding local safety and security concerns, and sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for emergency alerts and easier location tracking.

Additionally, the Embassy suggested that travelers should follow the Department of State on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, review the Dominican Republic Country Security Report, prepare an emergency contingency plan, and consult the traveler’s checklist.

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April 25, 2023 8:22 am

Come naked and you will be safe…

April 26, 2023 3:24 am
Reply to  Alfredo

ponte prenda barata …? ? ? …y anda en cuero …? ? ?

April 26, 2023 7:04 am

Leaving DR now just reading this
Everyone here wants to be your tour guide for$$$ and safety

veilesluny miranda
April 26, 2023 9:12 pm
Reply to  Ralph

who is going naked to Dominican Republic? because you can go to jail if you do and not everybody don’t wear cheap clothing or cheap or fake jewlrey

April 26, 2023 9:52 am

One thing is for sure do not believe in the government to do anything to improve citizen safety to this date president abinader has shown that he have no authority to do anything about it and the police reforms is just another scam that nobody still believes in .

veilesluny miranda
April 26, 2023 9:08 pm

I think is wrong of what is going on in Dominican Republic these days were I heard you can not wear or do certain things you want to do because it can be dangerous and scary imagine if you are hanging around having your fun times by yourself or if you are walking around and having a good time by yourself what can happen then? you or me myself also want to travel to the Dominican Republic for some vacation for a couple of days or more than that, not everybody is going naked to the Dominican Republic meaning you have only have to wear simple and cheap things including cheap or fake jewlrey because it can get taken from some thieves all of a sudden in a surprising or shocking time of a day so even can not go and have a good time to like the beach, restaurants, clothing or jewlrey store, amusement park, ice cream parlors, a food store, a beauty parlor ( beauty salon) or parks were is more decent and less revealing going to those places you even see kids around those places not only adults were kids are innocent and kind of harmless human beings meaning kids are less smarter or live human beings

Jose R
April 27, 2023 6:46 am

This is a sound piece of advice. This is know as putty crime and it holds true for most countries and cities around the world, most US cities included

April 27, 2023 3:41 pm

But why is the US offering advice to people visiting anywhere outside of its shores when, in the US itself, you can barely take a NYC subway without being subjected to the same…if not worse…treatment?!?! Keep your nose out of the DR’S business US. No one cares