World September 5, 2023 | 8:13 am

The Dominican passport, among the least powerful in Latin America

photo from Diario Libre

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic passport is one of the least powerful in Latin America, allowing entry to only 70 countries without a prior visa. According to the Henley Passport Index 2023, the Dominican passport holds the 76th position out of 199 passports and 227 travel destinations. It ranks as the third weakest passport globally, following Cuba and Haiti.

Dominican passport holders can enter 70 destinations without needing a pre-approved visa, placing it among the three least influential passports in the region, alongside Cuba and Haiti. These two countries allow entry to 63 and 51 destinations respectively.

The group of ten countries with the least powerful passports in Latin America includes Bolivia (80), Ecuador (92), Venezuela (126), Nicaragua (128), Colombia (133), Honduras, and El Salvador, with the latter two permitting entry to 134 destinations each.

Chile holds the most powerful passport in Latin America, granting access to 174 destinations without requiring a visa, according to data up to August 2023 from the Henley Passport Index. Argentina follows with 169 destinations, while Brazil (168), Mexico (158), Uruguay (153), Costa Rica (151), Panama (144), Paraguay (143), Peru (138), and Guatemala (135) complete the list of privileged passports.

The Henley Passport Index is a comprehensive classification that measures passport power based on the number of destinations accessible without a visa. The data in the report spans 18 years and incorporates expert analysis to provide updated and reliable information on global mobility and access.

Singapore holds the most powerful passport, granting entry to 193 countries without a visa, while Afghanistan’s passport ranks at the bottom with access to only 27 destinations.

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luis pena
September 5, 2023 9:36 am

the DR never made a lot of effort to empower its passport, it was only until the last administration that the DR goverment started making a effort to sign visa-free agreements with other countries. the isolation mentality of previours goverments prevented the DR to be part of many multinational organizations and to have an stroger passport. the current administration seems to have a not very proactive plan in that regard ether.