Economy June 15, 2018 | 2:59 pm

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Dominican Exporters mark 46 years with achievements, goals

Adoexpo: Luis Concepción, Odile Miniño Bogaert.

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Exporters Association (ADOEXPO) president Luis Concepción on Thurs. said a National Export Plan is essential to mark the Exports Promotion Year; continue the goal to establish the Caribbean Table and start the Central American Roundtable, optimizing the opportunity as the regional body’s (SICA) revolving presidency.

Speaking to mark the National Exporter Day and ADOEXPO’s 46th anniversary, the business leader said increased exports are key to achieve the National Development Strategy’s objective and the Millennium Development Goals Strategy 2030.

“As a guild representing the export sector, we firmly believe in a trade policy articulated around the signing of new commercial agreements under the modality of partial scope agreements that allow our star products to have preferential access to more countries,” he said.

Concepción said “unquestionably,” the productive sector is the driving force of the country’s economic and social development, and that the importance of foreign trade aimed at contributing to create more jobs and foreign exchange is evident.

“For this reason, close collaboration between the public and private sectors is vital, which entails an effective coordination between national institutions that are in charge of functions related to international trade and productive activity”.

The business leader said an important part to achieve a better nation is to generate spaces for dialogue, “that allow us to generate the necessary synergies to continue working together for the benefit of our country.”

He noted that as a productive sector “we need the State to be a generator of the most favorable conditions that allow us to take our exportable offer to more destinations” and that among the challenges that lie ahead figure greater diversification of the exportable supply, and even more if we think that currently 86% percent of our exports are concentrated in just 10 countries.”

He stressed that an adequate business climate is key to attract important investments in traditional sectors and improve the performance of exports.

He said that a recent flagship study by the World Bank considers that regional trade integration the key to a future with positive and sustainable growth among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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