Health June 11, 2020 | 7:47 am

Dominican presidential candidate Abinader and his wife are infected with Covid-19; receive broad solidarity

The presidential candidate of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), Luis Abinader, surprised the public last night by announcing that he tested positive for the Coronavirus.

The information was made public in a video, where the candidate to occupy the first position in the Government explained that due to the constant exposure with citizens, due to his political activities, the test is carried out every week.

He explained that when it was carried out yesterday morning, hours later, he received the news that it was positive. His wife, Raquel Arbaje, is also affected by the virus.

Since the coronavirus pandemic was announced in the country, Abinader has started a program, which he calls “The Solidarity Route,” where he delivers medicines and supplies to vulnerable people throughout the country. One of the most important donations made by the candidate was a mobile hospital in La Vega, with the capacity to serve more than 100 people. She also announced the donation of 40,000 rapid tests to detect the disease.

In order to deliver the aid, in some cases the candidate appears in person, which has led him to tour the entire country, keeping him at constant risk of contracting the virus.

“Carrying medicines, health protection material for medical personnel and citizens in general, through the Catholic and Evangelical churches, hospitals and community organizations,” indicates a statement, explaining the possible reasons why he contracted the virus, which has already It has left 550 dead and 20,808 confirmed infected in the country.

He said that due to these activities he developed health protocols that included weekly tests, thanks to which it was detected yesterday that he was infected.

Abinader explained that he offered information to the people because transparency and clarity in everything related to his performance, as a political leader, has been his norm.

He specified that the doctors consulted are optimistic and have assured him of a speedy recovery since he is not a risk patient and has already been strictly taking the appropriate treatment.

No relevant symptoms

About the symptoms, he said they were not relevant, so he hopes in a few days he can overcome the disease that has affected thousands of Dominicans.

In the message where Abinader announced his health situation, he did not mention that his wife also suffers from the disease, but she announced it through her Twitter account, where she assured that she preferred that the politician announce it first.

In her message, Raquel Arbaje assures that she feels some body aches and fever. Neither mentioned whether another family member has been infected.

@luisabinader and I tested positive for covid-19. We received the test result today (yesterday). I preferred that Luis said it first, slight body aches, fever, and isolation to protect everyone. With the same zeal and passion. Now with more faith. Health and dignity #RDSomosTodos,” said Raquel Arbaje.


After hearing the news, political leaders and personalities from all walks of life, including President Danilo Medina and Vice President Margarita Cedeño, have expressed their solidarity and support for Abinader.

President Medina said Abinader can count on his support, after regretting that he tested positive for the disease. He asked God for his health and speedy recovery.

While Margarita Cedeño said that she will hold them in her prayers. “In this political mess we are all exposed and I am sure that for them it is a difficult time, but they must put their health first. With trust in God and a lot of faith, you will be very well soon. I will have you in my prayers! God bless you, she wrote on her Twitter account.

In addition to Medina and Cedeño, Leonel Fernández, Gonzalo Castillo, Ito Bisonó, Roberto Salcedo and Roberto Fulcar, among others, have sent their messages.

“Regardless of political differences, I allow myself, on behalf of La Fuerza del Pueblo and my own, to extend a message of solidarity, and wishes for a speedy recovery to the presidential candidate for the PRM, Luis Abinader, as well as his wife Raquel,” wrote the ex-leader.

While Castillo said he wishes him “a speedy recovery and may God take care of him with his family. Luis, count on my solidarity and help in whatever you need. Blessings,” Castillo said in his message.

From the entertainment world, Carlos de la Mota, Roberto Cavada, Lummy Lizardo, among others, also wished him a speedy recovery.

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