Local June 8, 2022 | 8:56 am

‘Slush fund’ makes a surprising return

Ex-Fonper directorFenando Rosa, in jail.

Santo Domingo.- Although it has been one of the institutions that the current government of the Modern Revolutionary Party has promised to eliminate, the Patrimonial Fund of the Reformed Company (Fonper) continues its “slush fund” operations and is called for a public bidding process to finish works started in the past administration.

There are ten construction works carried out by that institution for which it will require 70.9 million pesos to be able to complete them, according to the certification of the fund and the purchase request that support the FONPER-CCC-LPN-2022-0001 tender.

The works include two funeral homes, one in Montecristi and another in Espaillat; two textile manufacturing centers and a mothers’ center, one in La Cumbre, in Santiago and the other in Quita Coraza, Barahona; five bakeries distributed in San Juan, Santiago, Santiago Rodríguez and Dajabón, as well as a police precinct in La Cumbre, Santiago.

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Paul Tierney
June 8, 2022 9:29 am

A slush fund without checks and balances is not good. Suspect old school politicians want to go back to the old ways in order to abuse the system for their own gain. A slush fund is not good.