Local October 4, 2013 | 7:13 am

Haiti’s top lawmakers head to Dominican capital amid ruling’s uproar

Santo Domingo.- Amid the uproar unleashed by the Constitutional Court ruling on the nationality of offspring of foreigners illegally in the country, Haiti’s two leaders of Congress will visit their Dominican counterparts toady Friday.

Senate president Reinaldo Pared is slated to receive the Haitian lawmakers at 11am, although the reason for the visit by Senate President Simon Desras Dieuseul, and lower chamber counterpart Jean Tholbert Alexis wasn’t disclosed.

The Constitutional Court ruling, which roiled Haiti and Dominican liberal sectors, upheld landmark jurisprudence of the Supreme Court eight years ago, and reaffirms that the offspring born here of foreigners or aliens in transit aren’t entitled to a Dominican nationality.

The Presidency’s legal advisor meanwhile on Thursday said the Constitutional Court ruling on Dominican nationality is "absolutely legitimate" and that it’s the duty of Dominicans to adhere to the decision.

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