Local June 20, 2022 | 7:17 am

Dominican Republic has the ‘longest’ dam

Santo Domingo.- The Monte Grande dam project is located on the Yaque del Sur river, in Barahona, and seeks to guarantee the supply of drinking water to 400,000 people, stimulate the expansion of agricultural production structures, improve health and generate hydroelectric power.

It contemplates works for the control of floods in the western provinces of Barahona, Independencia, Pedernales and Azua.

In 13 years, the Dominican State has already spent US$479.9 million in the Monte Grande dam, as reported by the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), which represents 35.47% above the amount originally contracted (US$354.2 million).

The increase of more than 25% of the work was done administratively, outside the provisions of Law 340-06 on Public Procurement, which stipulates that the contracting entity shall have the power and obligation to modify, decrease or increase up to that percentage, according to official data quoted by Diario Libre.

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