Local January 5, 2023 | 1:01 pm

Old houses are occupied by drug addicts

Source: External

The occupation of abandoned houses by drug users has become a source of concern for residents of the historic district. Those affected warn that these spaces house those who commit misdeeds and cause unrest to families living in Santiago’s lower part, because, in addition to destroying these historic homes, they steal what is left over. They also deliver mirrors and other parts to vehicles parked in the area. Added to this is the activity of cabarets, where sexual services are offered to people circulating on the streets, as reported by residents between Del Sol and General Valverde streets, in the La Joya sector, as well as the one that people must pass through to get to their destination.

Belarminio Rodriguez, a security guard, stated that several “piperos” (crackheads) sleep in one of the abandoned houses and maintain unrest in the area at night and even during the day. Other residents complain that several vehicle owners have been victims of theft by those who live in these abandoned houses. “There you see how they even enter to have sexual relations without the slightest modesty,” a lady residing in the area, for which they ask the authorities of the Santiago de los Caballeros city council to intervene in these spaces, to guarantee security.

In addition to the deterioration and misuse of heritage properties, residents of the area are concerned about a lack of security, owing to the area’s proximity to the Hospedaje Yaque market, which they believe should be reinforced with more patrolling, both during the day and at night.


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January 5, 2023 1:32 pm

I was exchanging dollars at Tavares Travel agency across the street from the property that is pictured above on Tuesday the 3rd of this month…As I was walking to the agency I saw some people complaining to 2 policeman that their vehicle was broken into. A few minutes later the policeman walks into that abandoned property pictured above and comes out with one of those piperos who was caught sleeping in there…for a second I thought I was in a Hollywood film lot…

January 5, 2023 7:09 pm
Reply to  alfredo

If we keep adopting and practicing gringo “way of living and culture”, this will be our future(its definitely reality)…we gonna be late for our own funeral…

Paul Tierney
January 6, 2023 8:15 am

People occupying abandoned houses is nothing new to the country. When there is so much poverty people will set up a home/base in any abandoned property. Some of them are transients and others just criminals taking advantage. Unless the owners of the abandoned properties to include banks hire 24/7 guards for the sites they very likely will be taken over by unwanted dwellers.

Peter Harris
January 6, 2023 3:49 pm

There are crack houses in San Carlos barrio a few minutes from the Colonial Zone . The police have tolerated them for years. The police are abetting criminal acts of drug dealing that is killing people. Crack is the most addictive drug . We all need to demand harsher punishment for the dealers with zero tolerance – not assistance from the police.