Local January 26, 2023 | 1:00 pm

Police arrest a German who kidnapped minors to make sex tapes in Puerto Plata

Police agents working for the Human Trafficking and Trafficking Investigation Department, of the Central Investigation Directorate (Dicrim), arrested a German man accused of recruiting minors to exploit them sexually and make pornographic videos of them in a villa in the Puerto Plata province. The National Police reported in a statement that the detainee is Werner Hubert Marchenbeck, 59 years old.

The arrest of the foreigner was carried out on January 20 in coordination with the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Illicit Smuggling of Migrants and Human Trafficking, with the support of the Central Directorate of Tourism Police (Politur), the Special Division for the Investigation of Transnational Crimes (DEIDET), and the Puerto Plata Prosecutor’s Office,” according to police reports.

In addition, the intervention had the support of the NGOs Operación Underground Railroad, and Destiny Rescue. “These actions gave rise to arduous investigative and intelligence work that resulted in the arrest of Hubert Marchenbeck,” he said. According to the case report, a large number of sex toys, condoms, and cell phones were found in the raided villa. For this case, the Judicial Office of the Permanent Attention Service of Puerto Plata, sentenced Werner Hubert Marchenbeck to three months in prison as a measure of coercion.


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January 26, 2023 3:25 pm

Freaking degenerates!

January 26, 2023 5:38 pm

Finally arresting those nasty Europeans that come to DR for underage girls and boys! Great job!

January 26, 2023 6:43 pm

That’s how all those Germans in Puerto Plata are. Degenerates is right !

Paul Tierney
January 27, 2023 9:55 am

Feel bad for the exploited minors.

This sexual abuse by anybody is terrible, It can be almost certain a good amount of sexual exploitation is done by Dominicans. However, those bad happenings are hidden behind a thin curtain of smoke that might get media attention. It is when a foreigner is caught with his pants down the media goes into overdrive to publish the all the nasty details. Why? Because, it inflames public sentiment to want more gossip, especially about foreigners, and is a catalyst to bring in advertising and periódico revenue.

Let’s hope there is justice for the minors.

January 28, 2023 6:25 am

Sick f**k. Nasty son of a b**ch