Local July 3, 2023 | 12:05 pm

Crimes committed by Haitians in the border area are a “big problem”

Santo Domingo.- John Huvane, the special co-adviser on security and protection of the Ministry of the Interior and Police, has highlighted that one of the significant challenges faced by the Dominican Republic in the fight against crime involves incidents involving Haitians. While Huvane clarifies that these crimes are not predominantly committed by gangs but rather by individual Haitians, he acknowledges that there is a notable occurrence of crimes committed by Haitians in the country.

Huvane explains that these crimes primarily occur within the Haitian community itself, with a higher frequency of detection near the border. He elaborates that some Haitians enter the Dominican Republic with the intention of committing crimes, while others commit crimes and subsequently return to Haiti to evade Dominican authorities.

Huvane notes that these incidents are less common in areas further away from the border, such as Santo Domingo. However, as one approaches the border region, there is an increase in such crimes, with the modus operandi often involving fleeing to Haiti to avoid capture by the police.

However, despite Huvane’s explanation, residents of Dajabón express concerns regarding the situation, especially towards Dominicans. Numerous criminal acts committed by Haitian individuals on Dominican territory have been reported in Dajabón. For instance, in a highly publicized case, three immigrants from Haiti attempted to rob a woman’s belongings after forcefully entering her residence in the Benito Monción neighborhood of Dajabón.

Residents have reported incidents such as break-ins and robberies by Haitian individuals. In some cases, Dominican authorities have apprehended Haitian citizens attempting to cross the border after committing crimes, while others enter clandestinely from Haiti to engage in criminal activities.

Criminals have also targeted farms and stolen livestock, a concern expressed by the Dajabón Cattlemen’s Association.

The situation highlights the ongoing challenges associated with cross-border crime and the need for effective cooperation between the Dominican Republic and Haiti to address these issues.

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July 3, 2023 1:18 pm

time to arm the population!

July 3, 2023 4:15 pm

they don’t want to work , .but they like the commit crimes ….
They make fun of us and entire DR. , laughing …
We are so incompetent and it shows …Haitians know that …
Now let’s forget border problems ,we need cheap labor ,real estate tourism is booming …
Billions of dollars are being divided ,while we are reading and commenting on them stiling burros y vacas …
This will never stop as long as those who rule profit from their presence…

Buena suerte ? para entera República Dominicana …

Ramon Garcia
July 4, 2023 12:01 am

Don’t expect to see this on BBC, CNN, the UN or the rest of the pro-illegal immigration globalist left media

Paul Tierney
July 4, 2023 7:35 am

The border mafias love the break ins, robberies, and violence as those criminal acts divert policing attention away from their trafficking enterprises. Who is to say they are not sending the Haitians to do those crimes?

July 6, 2023 12:46 pm

Sounds like the US/Mexico border only the DR is trying to be proactive in stopping the flow of illegals. One sure fix….Warn, Aim, FIRE. Works every time.