Economy August 19, 2023 | 12:00 pm

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Association warns of obstacles to solar energy projects for self-consumption

The Association for the Promotion of Renewable Energies (Asofer) expressed concern about the difficulty in processing applications from clients interested in entering the Net Metering Program (PMN) to install solar panels for self-consumption through the isolated systems operating in the East zone.

In a note, the institution pointed out that the case of Costasur, the company in charge of generating, distributing, and commercializing electric energy within the Casa de Campo complex, is “highly worrying.”

Asofer states that according to the statistics of installed capacity in distributed generation published by the National Energy Commission (CNE), 355.69 megawatts (MW) have been installed as of May of this year. Of this total, only 2.32% of this capacity corresponds to isolated systems.

It refers that 86.79% corresponds to installations in public distribution companies, while 10.88% are self-producers with power over 1 MW.

According to Asofer, implementing net metering projects in Costasur presents considerable obstacles, generating concern due to significant time delays, the failure to carry out supplementary studies, and the lack of conclusive answers regarding the requests.

“These delays exceed the response times established in the current regulation, hindering the planning and execution of projects that have a positive impact on the reduction of the carbon footprint and the drive towards a more sustainable energy matrix,” the entity notes in the note.

It reiterated that there is an urgent need for the Superintendency of Electricity (SIE), as the regulatory body, to issue the terms of reference and carry out studies on the level of photovoltaic penetration admissible in the distribution circuits of both public distribution companies and isolated systems. As well as the tariff study of these companies and the monthly publication in a public portal of the photovoltaic penetration levels of each of the distribution circuits.

“We call on Costasur authorities to comply with the response deadlines, review and expedite their approval processes for net metering projects. It is unjustifiable that projects of the year 2022 are still awaiting a response,” Asofer states in the note.

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August 19, 2023 3:36 pm

Like always, the public isn’t protected, but some groups yes, stupid idiots who are politics and deputies, who don’t represent the interest of the people