World August 30, 2023 | 10:01 am

Dominican Republic hosts UN meeting on climate change

Santo Domingo.- Starting from this Tuesday, the Dominican Republic will host the 3rd Meeting of the Transition Committee for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This gathering serves as a platform for discussions and assessments aimed at creating a dedicated fund to aid developing countries in dealing with climate change-induced disasters.

The concept of establishing a fund to assist particularly vulnerable nations in managing losses and damages linked to climate change was established during the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 27). Representing the Dominican Government in these technical sessions is Milagros De Camps, the Vice Minister of Climate Change and Sustainability within the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

De Camps elaborated that within this meeting, which stands as the second-to-last gathering preceding COP28 in Dubai, tangible outcomes need to be achieved. The focus is on fostering solidarity among nations and addressing the vulnerabilities of those most exposed to the impacts of climate change — the very recipients for whom this fund has been conceived and structured.

“Countries like ours, small island developing states, are already grappling with the adverse effects of climate change that we didn’t cause. These effects are constraining our capacity for sustainable development and our endeavors to alleviate poverty within our nations,” emphasized De Camps.

The assembly boasts participation from 88 official representatives of CMNUCC member countries, along with observers from non-governmental organizations and civil society. In addition to Vice Minister De Camps, the opening ceremony was led by Richard Sherman and Outi Honkatukia, co-chairs of the transitional committee, Daniel Violetti from the CMNUCC Secretariat and Director of Convention Implementation Media, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Policy, Rubén Silié.

The Transition Committee comprises 24 members from Parties to the Convention and the Paris Agreement, with 10 representing developed countries and 14 representing developing countries. Apart from the Dominican Republic, other committee members include Egypt, South Africa, Sudan, Zambia, UAE, India, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, China, South Korea, Pakistan, Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, UK, Japan, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Canada, Finland, Australia, France, USA, Armenia, Bhutan, Norway, East Timor, and Maldives.

By hosting this summit, the Dominican Republic showcases its commitment to climate agreements and highlights its own vulnerability due to its status as a developing island nation. The sessions will also explore potential funding sources, acknowledging the need for support from a variety of avenues, including innovative ones. Discussions will also address the current landscape of institutions, both global and regional, that fund activities related to addressing losses and damages. The focus is on improving coherence, coordination, and synergy among these efforts.

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