Local February 27, 2024 | 8:11 am

Environment announces control and elimination of wildfires in Dominican provinces

Santo Domingo.- The National Fire Management Program under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) has confirmed that the fires detected in the early hours of last Saturday on hills in the Monseñor Nouel and San Juan provinces have been successfully controlled and extinguished.

Gerónimo Abreu, the program’s director, credited the efficient efforts of forest firefighters for bringing the fires under control. The incidents occurred in the El Perro hills in Maimón, Monseñor Nouel, and El Peinado within the José del Carmen Ramírez National Park in San Juan.

Abreu highlighted the challenging circumstances faced during the José del Carmen Ramírez fire, emphasizing the complex and remote access to the affected area, which required the brigade to travel on foot.

A team of 12 forest firefighters from El Cacheo and La Florida initiated control operations on Sunday at 6:00 am, successfully withdrawing on Monday at 8:00 am after completely containing and extinguishing the fire.

In the case of the El Perro hill, a squad of 10 forest firefighters commenced their efforts at 6:30 am on Sunday, achieving control over the area within four hours.

Gerónimo Abreu issued a plea to the public, urging citizens to exercise caution and take appropriate measures to prevent fires. He emphasized the ease with which forest fires can spread during months characterized by low rainfall and high winds.

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