Local August 10, 2024 | 11:39 am

Resocodesa and Apmae demand that Edenorte compensate millions of dollars in losses in Hermanas Mirabal

Hermanas Mirabal – The Social and Community Network of Salcedo (Resocodesa) and the Association of Parents of Schools (Apmae) in their chapter for the entire region, called on the distributor of Energía del Norte (Edenorte), so that the millionaire losses suffered by local businesses and others, can be compensated as soon as possible.

Néstor Paulino, speaking on behalf of both entities, said that on Tuesday and Wednesday, the municipalities of Salcedo, Villa Tapia and Tenares suffered millions of dollars in losses as a result of the blackout that affected more than 80 percent of the productive work in this demarcation.

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The union leader said that the general blackout produced in Hermanas Mirabal, began at 3 a.m. last Tuesday and was restored yesterday Wednesday at 3 p.m.

He indicated that for this reason, dozens of merchants suffered millions in losses, especially the owners of small and medium-sized commercial establishments that are dedicated to the sale of groceries, placing special emphasis on grocery stores and supermarkets in the province.

He also specified that in a large part of the homes of the three municipalities and in the two Municipal Districts (Blanco Arriba and Tenares), in many of their homes food, fruits, vegetables and sausages among others were damaged, which hinders the economic development of many of these families.

“We are demanding from Edenorte, so that it heeds this call, Mr. General Director Andrés Cueto, must understand that what we have experienced in Hermanas Mirabal has not been easy, our merchants have suffered great losses, millionaire losses and in our homes alike,” said Néstor Paulino.

In the same way, he denounced that the case of the aforementioned blackout should have been foreseen since for a little more than a week the people of Mirabal had the slight suspicion that something strange could be happening around the energy system of the area, since interruptions in the service were occurring very constantly, as well as instability in the voltage.

He also expressed that the instability in the voltage that existed in advance, was a constant threat, and gave as an example that in several homes in the municipality of Tenares, for example, several appliances were burned as well as in a supermarket part of its facilities there was a fire, which for a moment caused panic in this demarcation.

“We are demanding that Edenorte investigate well what happened in Hermanas Mirabal, this has not been fortuitous, rather it was negligence that must be assumed by that company and the millionaire losses that it has suffered especially local commerce must be compensated, and in general terms, we understand that for next month, the energy bills that by the way reach us very expensive, they must have a very special discount,” said the social worker.


According to the information given by the governor of Hermanas Mirabal, Lissette Nicasio de Adames, in the Electrical Substation located in the Salcedo Villa Tapia highway section, one of the main transformers that supplies energy to this province, suffered serious breakdowns, which caused the general blackout and which had to be replaced immediately.

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