Local August 15, 2024 | 8:37 am

Restoration Day: non-working holiday

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Labor has reminded the business and worker community in the Dominican Republic that Friday, August 16, Restoration Day, is a non-working holiday, and this will not be subject to change.

This is in accordance with Article 2 of Law 139-97, which applies when this date coincides with the start of a constitutional period. Additionally, the Supreme Court of Justice, in its role as a constitutional control body, confirmed this through Judgment No. 14 on February 20, 2008, stating that the holiday remains unchanged.

Employees are required to resume their regular duties on Saturday, August 17, as stipulated by Law 139-97 regarding public holidays.

The observance of this holiday on August 16 must be upheld by all establishments throughout the country, in line with Dominican legislation.

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