Business Alliance certifies 33 Dominican companies on security
Santo Domingo.- The Business Alliance for Secure Commerce (BASC) on Wednesday announced the Security Management and Control System (SMCS) certifications for 33 Dominican companies which minimized their operating risks posed by terrorism, drug trafficking and other illicit activities that could affect their supply chains in local and global trade.
The certificates were presented to representatives of accredited companies by BASC Dominican Republic Chapter president Erik Alma, and US Embassy commercial attaché Rafael Patiño, in a ceremony at the AIRD Business Tower.
BASC Dominicana officers, American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAMDR) executives and representatives of certified export sector companies also participated in the activity.
In a statement, BASC said the awards the certifications annually, aimed at improving the image and credibility of those companies, and to promote a culture focused on security in the supply chain, optimize the risk profiles and decreased damage to cargo. “The certification also ensures a reduction in the use of legitimate trade for illegal activities, strengthening business and increased confidence.”
The companies certified:
For the first time: Rizek Cacao, Dominican Watchman International, Frederic Schad, Guardianes De La Región, Mejía Arcalá, Molinos Del Ozama, Premedi-Test, Rodemsa, Tonka Footwear and Zona Franca Industrial Las Américas.
Re-certified: Alarma 24, Agencias Navieras B&R, Caribetrans, Cervecería Nacional Dominicana, Consorcio Cítricos Dominicanos, Consultores en Sistemas de Información y Seguridad, Corporación de Seguridad Integral, Diaz Jorge Expert Cargo and Dominican International Forwarding (DIF).
also, Dominican Watchman International, Frederic Schad, G4S Secure Solutions, Goya Santo Domingo, Guardianes Antillanos, Guardianes De La Región, Haina International Terminals, Hospifar, Incorp, Kimberly Clark, Vanter, Latin American Free Zone Investment Piisa, Marítima Dominicana, Mejía Arcalá and Laboratorios Musalab.
Also re-certified were Plásticos Multiform, Proteccion Delta, Reefer Services, Rizek Cacao, Seadom, Seguridad y Garantía (SEGASA), Servicios de Seguridad, Zona Franca Multimodal Caucedo and Zona Franca San Isidro.