Industries agree: We must start building the country we all want
Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s Industries Association(AIRD) on Monday called positive, outlet Diario Libre AM’s suggestion to the varioussectors to "tie the loose ends to start the construction of the country towhich we all aspire. "
In a letter sent to Diario Libre editor in chief AdrianoMiguel Tejada, AIRD president Campos de Moya said the five mentioned aspectsshould serve as a starting point to reach a consensus to place the country onthe path to development and institutionalism.
In his letter the business leader listed "A law of political parties and electionsto level the playing field for all; a tax law and tax breaks with nodistortions that puts some to pay more than they should and others to pay less.That law should include control of government spending and a definition of thesize of the state."
De Moya also mentioned "a law of full employment tohelp regularize the informal sector, and ensure social security benefits and pensionsto all; depoliticize government agencies, including the judiciary and police. Meritshould be the only condition to access these positions, along with adevelopment plan, together with the strategy to set priorities agreed by all."