Economy December 2, 2021 | 2:00 pm

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Dominican rum now has its own appellation of origin

Santo Domingo, DR.

The board of the Dominican Association of Rum Producers (Adopron) received from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes (MICM) and the National Office of Intellectual Property (Onapi) the expected “Denomination of Origin Dominican Rum (DO),” which allows the rum to position itself as a Country Brand.

With this unprecedented event, rum is placed on the same level as tequila from Mexico, Champagne from France, and Whisky from Scotland, whose denomination of origin protects how they are manufactured and the requirements to be followed to preserve their authenticity.

The presentation of the DO to the Adopron board was made by the Minister of Industry and Commerce and Mipymes (MICM), Víctor Bisonó, together with the director of Onapi, Salvador Ramos, in an event called “Great Dominican Rum Experience,” a unique tasting for the public presentation with the rums that identify the Dominican Republic in the world.

By achieving the Dominican Rum Denomination of Origin (DO), the country formalizes the protection of the authenticity, credibility, as well as the unique characteristics of smell, taste, and color of Dominican rums, earned by more than 30 years of constant investment, innovation, preservation of an entire tradition and presence in international markets.

Bisonó affirmed that Dominican rums motivate a pride that grows when it is known that they are among the world’s favorites for their high standards of quality and aging.

The president of Adopron, Augusto Ramírez Bonó, said that the Denomination of Origin of Dominican Rum could open the way for new producers. “Less than 30 years ago, there were only 35 tequila producers in Mexico, but today there are more than 160, exporting their brands to more than 120 countries,” he said.

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Francis Figuereo
December 3, 2021 8:56 am

Barcelo imperial is in my opinion the best Rum in the country.

S wright
December 3, 2021 6:30 pm

Is BaCoo a Dominican rum?