Economy September 11, 2023 | 3:14 pm

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FEDA Director says Dominican Republic is attractive for investment

Santo Domingo.- The director of the Special Fund for Agricultural Development (FEDA), Hecmilio Galván, highlighted the Dominican Republic’s attractiveness as an investment destination during the International Dominican Chocolate Fair held in Belgium. Galván spoke about investment opportunities in Dominican agriculture and emphasized the country’s strategic location in the heart of the Caribbean.

He pointed out that the Dominican Republic has established a legal and regulatory framework that protects property rights and offers enticing tax incentives to encourage foreign investment.

At the fair, organized by FEDA and the Dominican Consulate in Antwerp, Belgium, Galván also praised the quality of artisanal chocolate produced by small businesses, particularly those led by women, as well as the chocolate manufactured by larger companies in the country.

Several Dominican chocolate manufacturers, including Chocolatera la Norteña, Chocolala, Conacado Agroindustrial, Choco Cibao, and others, participated in the exhibition.

Galván noted that the Dominican Republic is the world leader in organic cocoa exports, primarily to European countries.

He highlighted that agribusiness in the Dominican Republic is a vital sector with the potential for significant returns on investment. Besides cocoa, the country has a diverse range of agricultural products, including coffee, bananas, tobacco, and vegetables, which offer opportunities for expansion and export.

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September 12, 2023 11:11 am

That is a false statement. The taxing structure if the RD is oppressive, tends to decapitalize the businesses and does not reward nor stimulate reinvestment of capital gains. Plus, the tax rate is too high along with the famous “anticipo” which is an absurdity.