Economy November 16, 2023 | 2:45 pm

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Macarrulla highlights that the Dominican Republic is on track to achieve the highest regional economic growth in 2024

Santo Domingo.- Former president of the National Council of Private Enterprise (CONEP) and the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD), Lisandro Macarrulla, has expressed positive views about the Dominican Republic’s economic growth prospects. According to the latest report from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Dominican economy is projected to experience the highest growth in Central America in 2024, reaching an impressive 5.2%. This forecast places the Dominican Republic at the forefront of economic growth in the region, followed by Panama with 4.0% and Guatemala with 3.5%.

Macarrulla attributed this notable economic stability to the successful management of the government, as implemented through the Central Bank and the authorities responsible for the country’s economic and monetary policy. He expressed confidence in the effectiveness and efficiency of the economic measures implemented by the government in the post-COVID-19 pandemic period, contributing significantly to establishing a favorable environment for growth, prosperity, and social welfare.

Macarrulla emphasized the crucial role played by the private sector in this positive scenario and praised its dynamism in driving new initiatives, attracting investments, and creating jobs and wealth in the Dominican Republic. He highlighted the importance of continued collaboration between the private sector and government institutions to maintain and strengthen this path of economic development.

Macarrulla called for synergy between the public and private sectors to ensure sustainable and lasting growth that benefits all of Dominican society. He expressed confidence in the country’s economic future and encouraged ongoing collaboration to consolidate and expand these significant achievements, promoting sustainable growth.

Macarrulla shared these views at the Tenth Business Convention, a major private sector consultation forum organized by CONEP.

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