Health January 29, 2025 | 8:12 am

Germany’s foot-and-mouth disease outbreak declared high priority for Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Eric Rivero, agricultural advisor to the Executive Branch and president of the Dominican Association of Milk Producers (Aproleche), has emphasized the urgency of addressing the recent foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in Germany. He called for reinforced import controls on German dairy products to prevent the virus from entering the Dominican Republic.

Rivero assured that the General Directorate of Livestock, the Ministry of Public Health, and other institutions are actively monitoring the situation and implementing preventive measures, including stricter inspections at ports and airports. He highlighted the importance of safeguarding the local dairy industry and public health.

Several Latin American countries, including Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, and Peru, have already suspended imports of milk and dairy products from Germany. Foot-and-mouth disease, though highly contagious, has moderate mortality rates, with the last European outbreak recorded in Bulgaria in 2011.

What is Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD)?

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral infection caused by aphthoviruses. It primarily affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild pigs, cows, sheep, goats, buffalo, and deer. However, other animals such as giraffes, camels, hippopotamuses, and elephants can also contract the disease.

Infected animals develop fluid-filled blisters on their mouths, hooves, and teats. When these blisters rupture, the virus spreads through the leaked fluid, increasing the risk of infection among other animals.

FMD can also be transmitted through an infected animal’s breath, dung, milk, and saliva. Additionally, indirect transmission occurs via contaminated surfaces, animal transport vehicles, clothing, and other objects that come into contact with the virus.

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Paul Tierney
January 29, 2025 8:21 am

This disease can be transmitted by contact with people who are infected to include clothing and touching contaminated surfaces. There may have to be screening of visitors arriving from Germany.