Local March 2, 2017 | 10:54 am

Pilgrimage: Men on donkeys head to Palace to demand public works

Santo Domingo.- Two men on donkeys set off ona pilgrimage from La Isabela township, Puerto Plata, to the National Palace Thursdaymorning, to demand various public works needed at the ancient community.

Nazario Morillo and Wilkin Rafael Matías, ridingthe donkeys El General and El Capitan, dismount every two hours along theirtrek, of around 232 kilometers from Puerto Plata to the capital.

After crossing Navarrete, where they were a Policepatrol escorts them, the men’s next stop is the town of Villa González.

The pilgrims say they’ve waited for theconstruction of a school and several bridges in their community for years, asituation they affirm worsened from lastyear’s months of torrential downpours over Puerto Plata province.

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