Local May 22, 2023 | 2:39 pm

Ministry of Youth launches educational support program for young single mothers in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- The Ministry of Youth (MJ), in collaboration with the General Directorate of Strategic and Special Projects (Propeep), has launched the “Educational Youth Support Program” to provide educational opportunities to young single mothers, enabling them to pursue higher education and technical studies. The program was officially announced during an event at the Manuel del Cabral auditorium of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), led by Minister Rafael Jesús Feliz García and Propeep Director Roberto Ángel Salcedo.

The selected educational institutions for the program are the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA), the University of the Caribbean (Unicaribe), and the Institute for Professional Technical Training (Infotep). The program offers scholarships for various in-demand careers such as Artificial Intelligence, Nursing, English for Call Centers, Multimedia, Telecommunications, Cybersecurity Technician 4.0, Sustainable Tourism Management, Basic Management of Big Data 4.0, Professional Announcer, Higher Technician in Cloud Computing and Virtualization, among others.

Interested individuals can apply for the program by filling out the form available on the website juventud.gob.do. The initiative is a response to a study conducted by the Ministry of Education (Minerd), which revealed that a significant number of pregnant students and young mothers face educational challenges. The program aims to address these challenges and provide support to young Dominicans through the joint efforts of the Ministry of Youth and the Ministry of Education’s “Juventudes Integrales” project.

Minister Feliz García emphasized the transformative power of education and encouraged young single mothers to believe in their abilities, dream big, and pursue their goals. He assured them that the Ministry of Youth and Propeep would provide continuous support throughout their journey.

Roberto Ángel Salcedo, Director of Propeep, expressed his satisfaction with the joint effort between the Ministry of Youth and Propeep, emphasizing the importance of education in empowering vulnerable families.

The event was attended by several dignitaries, including Rafael Nino Feliz, former Vice-Rector of UASD and father of the Minister, Rosalia Sosa, Vice-Rector of UASD, Vice Ministers of Youth, and other government officials. The program aims to provide educational opportunities and support to young single mothers, helping them build a better future for themselves and their families.

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May 23, 2023 7:24 am

Minister Feliz Garcia should also push birth control for these young women.