Local May 24, 2023 | 4:43 pm

Dominican authorities foil drug smuggling attempt: 728 packages of cocaine seized en route to Belgium

Santo Domingo.- The National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD) announced the seizure of 728 packages, suspected to contain cocaine, in a van bound for Belgium from the Caucedo Multimodal Port in Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic.

The operation to seize the significant amount of cocaine involved members of Port Security, intelligence agencies of the Armed Forces, and representatives from the Public Ministry. The packages, concealed within 27 sacks camouflaged with cleaning products and supplies, were destined for the Port of Antwerp, Belgium.

Authorities had conducted strict and discreet surveillance based on reliable reports of the drug shipment. The seized packages were immediately transferred to the Institute of Forensic Sciences (Inacif) under tight security measures to determine the exact quantity of the drug.

The DNCD, in collaboration with the Public Ministry, has initiated an extensive investigation into the case since Wednesday, as the shipment originated from the Dominican Republic itself rather than being a transit shipment. Although no arrests have been made thus far, authorities are hopeful that the ongoing investigation will lead to the identification of those responsible for the foiled drug shipment to Belgium.

According to the DNCD, with the support of the Armed Forces and the Public Ministry, they seized over ten tons of narcotics this year, including 2.9 tons of cocaine in May alone. The seizure reflects their continued efforts to combat drug trafficking and protect national security.

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Paul Tierney
May 25, 2023 8:59 am

The DNCD knows who is responsible for the shipment.

Luis Grullon
May 26, 2023 7:33 am

We can’t let Dr become like Mexico or others countries run by drug cartels, with the last corrupt government Dr was heading that direction. With this government things are changing for the better, I would like to see them start going after there assets, and use that money to give back to the community.
They should do what Indonesia does. Give them the death penalty. I’ll send massage. Dr is not where you want to get cought transporting, or distributing drugs