Local June 17, 2023 | 11:25 am

Pedernales: Members of mixed patrol kills a young woman and injures another

Pedernales – Members of a mixed patrol made up of agents of the National Police and the Army killed early this Saturday morning Altagracia Reyes, 18 years old. At the same time, another young woman was taken to the Dr. Elio Fiallo Hospital of Pedernales with pellet wounds in the lumbar region.
The victim is Nicauris Estefani Camacho, 22 years old, who was helped by the patrol car, which transported her to the referred center of Pedernales.

Nicauris Estefani Camacho,  a 22-year-old woman injured in the incident in the province of Pedernales. External source

According to the version, the incident occurred when the young women were visiting with some friends and traveling in a Black Changan Jipeta; supposedly, the patrol car ordered them to stop, reiterating the stop. They did not obey the order to prevent it, and immediately shots were fired by the patrol car.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office in Pedernales has started the investigation of the case to give a prompt answer to the society of Pedernales, whoever falls.

Pedro Heredia, the network communicator, strongly repudiates the method used by the patrol during the checks or checkpoints in Pedernales Tourist City. He said that everyone knows each other, in addition to being a small town.

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Paul Tierney
June 17, 2023 12:38 pm

If the bullet hole was through the front windshield. It would hazard a guess the car attempted to hit the police, they had to protect themselves. However, the bullet hole is in the rear window inferring the car was fleeing the police, no risk of harm to them, no need to shoot. The girl with the lumbar wounds was facing away from police, again no risk of harm to them. It is obvious the police were negligent.

Mr. Sensible
June 18, 2023 10:22 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

That is clearly the back window. Many (most) of police here are lacking in mental ability. As forward as the country is pointed, the severe lack of education at all levels of income and job responsibility continues to hold us back.

June 17, 2023 5:52 pm

next time they’ll think twice if they don’t stop…obey  law enforcement …

Tom Gato
June 18, 2023 8:22 am

The law enforcement groups are in dire need of training on how to make an arrest.

Paul Tierney
June 19, 2023 10:45 am
Reply to  Tom Gato

Worldwide !