Local July 2, 2023 | 10:09 am

Who is the new manager of Edeeste, Manuel Alberto Mejia Naut?

Manuel Alberto Mejia Naut

On an interim basis, the Unified Council of Electricity Distribution Companies (CUED) appointed and replaced Andrés Julio Portes Pompiano, professor and engineer Manuel Alberto Mejía Naut.

The general manager of Edeeste, Andres Julio Portes, explains the actions taken by his administration to improve the service.

Before his appointment, Mejía Naut served as project manager of Empresa Distribuidora del Este (Edeeste).

Also, from 2013 to 2020, he was the operations manager of Empresa de Transmisión de Electricidad Dominicana (ETED).

Naut has been a Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA) professor since 2005.

He graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) in Mechanical Engineering.

At Edeeste, he has also served as investment project management manager from 2009 to 2012 and as director of Loss Control.

He holds two master’s degrees from the Antonio de Nebrija University in Spain, one in Renewable Energy and the other in project management.

He also holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra.

This Friday, the Unified Council of Electricity Distribution Companies (CUEDE) approved the interim appointment of Manuel Alberto Mejia Naut.

According to CUED information, the removal is executed “as part of the changes made to address the energy supply in its concession area.”

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Paul Tierney
July 2, 2023 4:40 pm

Today’s good guy, tomorrow’s bad guy? The doors of these businesses are revolving to accommodate the country’s pleasure of playing musical chairs.

dr Marinus Henricus Kruissen
July 3, 2023 3:31 pm

At first sight, there will be very few changes, as the two people have been colleagues for a very long time. The Professor has a disadvantage because his predecessor is known as corrupt and power-hungry, (no pun intended). Will we see changes in the future? The present power-cut seems to tell us there will be no changes, not now, not ever! Why? Because corruption is the main reason for people to want a position in one of the Edes. The bosses want to become rich in as short a time as possible. Unless that changes, the light will not improve in the households of the area of Edeeste. If the Professor is not a cut off that tree, yes, then we will see changes, and sooner, rather than later, I hope. I, for one, wish Professor Manuel Alberto Mejía Naut strength and success in his new post, and don’t forget, do not listen to Andres Julio Portes, he lies a lot.