Local May 16, 2024 | 3:40 pm

Dominican government and WFP join forces for disaster preparedness

Santo Domingo.- Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos Echavarría, and World Food Program (WFP) representative in the country, Gabriela Alvarado, have inked a collaboration pact aiming to develop new tools for timely disaster preparedness and mitigation. This encompasses knowledge and information management pertaining to readiness, humanitarian response, and anticipatory action in the face of climate-related shocks.

The agreement prioritizes topics such as nutrition, supply chain management, food security, and food systems to ensure prompt preparation. It also advocates for the generation of evidence and historical records to facilitate well-informed decision-making.

Minister Santos Echavarría underscored the government’s commitment to strengthening early warning systems for climate phenomena, emphasizing the need for modern monitoring systems to issue timely alerts.

He emphasized the Ministry of the Presidency’s dedication to preventing harm to the population and ensuring the Dominican Republic’s continued development, positioning the nation as a regional benchmark in humane and transparent governance.

Gabriela Alvarado highlighted the agreement as a joint commitment between the Ministry of the Presidency and the WFP to integrate various technologies, services, and tools to save lives through enhanced information management. This involves understanding risks and taking early actions, considering the vulnerabilities of different territories.

The pact also entails collaboration with the government to integrate these initiatives into national systems, including early warning and social protection measures.

Through this agreement, both parties aim to improve emergency preparedness, particularly for the most vulnerable groups, by developing interventions that address common objectives.

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Paul Tierney
May 17, 2024 8:19 am

This preplanning will contribute to a more effective logistical fitness in time of crisis.

It could be a guess, could this collaboration included back room talks about RD lending logistical support in the handling of food supplies into Haiti should the UN make a request?