Local June 24, 2024 | 8:18 am

Presence of Haitian gang members reported in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- In recent days, at least ten members of Haitian gangs have crossed into the Dominican Republic, military sources informed El Nacional reporter Julio Gómez.

Quisqueyan authorities are actively searching for these individuals to arrest and deport them. Those being sought include Baselais Sonson, Laguel Civil Jean, Gueslin Jean Baptiste, Arly Jean, Yves Junior Delva, Franklin Jean Baptiste, Junior Claude, and Ronald Guerrier, as well as Valmond Altidor, Franky Charles, Ivens Alsaint, Eddy Baggio, Jefferson Calixte, Jean Andre Guilaume, James Bolivard, Edma Basquin, Carlos Bristol, and Bony Gregoire.

A notice from the Haitian National Police, which includes an arrest warrant for this group, was presented as evidence. These individuals are wanted for crimes such as murders, kidnappings, sexual assault, and armed robberies.

Many of these alleged criminals have escaped from Haitian prisons, while others are sought for their involvement in serious criminal activities under the protection of gangs operating in Haiti.

These individuals reportedly entered Dominican territory through the border crossings of Pedernales, Jimaní, Elías Piña, and Dajabón, according to sources.

Haiti is currently facing severe turmoil due to the chaos caused by gangs operating in the country, the poorest in the Americas, despite being the first black nation to achieve independence.

It is estimated that more than a million Haitians reside in the Dominican Republic, most without proper documentation, prompting calls from various Dominican sectors for their repatriation. However, pressure from international organizations, sponsored by the United States, Canada, and France, limits any actions in that direction.

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June 24, 2024 8:26 am

What a surprise. Abinader was warn but all he cares is taking out more loans. To indebted the nation.

June 24, 2024 10:24 am

More like 2 millions…

Paul Tierney
June 24, 2024 10:38 am

Haitian gang members have been entering the RD years on end, whenever it is suitable to them. It is now they are given greater media coverage when foreign police are steps away from arriving to Haiti.

The border is a sieve, corruption is its facilitator.

bernie sierra
June 24, 2024 11:17 am

Our president is sleeping behind the wheel, just traveling for useless conferences while out country is being invaded by all of those Haitians criminals.

June 29, 2024 7:25 pm

That’s what we get from Haití, a bunch of thugs and women delivering in our hospital, pretty soon we will be strangers in our own country.