Local August 19, 2024 | 11:17 am

Deputy proposes pension bill for municipal authorities

Santo Domingo.- Deputy Nelsa Soraya Suárez of Santiago, representing the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), has introduced a bill to create the Social Security Institute for Municipal Authorities in the Dominican Republic. This proposed legislation aims to establish a pension system for mayors, vice mayors, councilors, municipal directors, and their substitutes, offering pensions between 50% and 80% of their salaries from their first municipal administration.

The bill, which will be reviewed during the current legislative session that began on August 16, seeks to implement a pension system at the municipal level similar to those enjoyed by Dominican deputies and senators.

Key provisions of the bill include:

  • Municipal authorities aged 55 with one term will receive a pension of 50% of their salary.
  • Authorities aged 60 with one term will receive 55%.
  • Those with two terms and aged 60 will receive 60%.
  • Authorities with three terms and aged 55 will receive 70%.
  • Four or more terms will entitle retirees to 80% of their salary.

The pension amount will be based on the official’s last salary, excluding additional payments such as travel and representation expenses. The bill also allows for adjustments to the pension if the authority’s salary changes.

Retired officials who are re-elected to municipal positions must forfeit their pension and continue contributing to the system. If officials do not meet the age requirement at the end of their mandate, they may request retirement benefits once they reach the eligible age.

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Paul Tierney
August 21, 2024 8:57 am

It seems there is always treasury money to assist mid to high level government employees. However, the same people who want to authorize pension funds for their gov’t comrades show unwillingness to introduce bills to increase pensions of folks who are poor, truly needy.