Update: Five tourists drown in Punta Cana

At least five tourists would have lost their lives this Friday after drowning on the Cana Bay beach in Punta Cana, La Altagracia while enjoying a swim in the coastal area.
According to the Radio Televisión Dominicana (RTVD) portal, the authorities have not confirmed the deceased’s nationality so far.
Reports indicate that another person is missing, that the search work was suspended for the night, and that it will resume today at 06:00 in the morning.
Local authorities and RTVD reports are working to clarify what happened.
It is tragic this has happened. May these souls RIP.
There was heavy surf warnings published in the various medias. However, it seems the tourist victims were unaware of the warnings. It goes without saying, government has a very low priority level for protection of bathers, i.e., no full-time lifeguards or flag warnings at beaches. The Ministry of Tourism receives millions in revenue, a huge amount. Yet, the Ministry is very lacking to use the revenues to employ full-time measures to protect tourists and public from the risks of the sea.
We were there that day and although this is so tragic, and I’m so sorry for the families, we were at the beach the last 3 days and there were RED flags all down the beach warning swimmers.
Thank you for your on-site information. It is a tragedy that did not have to happen.
That is not the truth,all the resorts have lifeguards on duty,with flags that let people know when they’re not longer on duty,also the people are advised about it and some specific colors advise of bad weather,not to mention that as soon as the weather turns bad the tourist officer calls people out.,don’t bring politic in to this matter
That’s not true
They don’t
It is a very rare time or event when the resorts have lifeguards present.
Such a tragic thing to happen. I was there from January 13-20 and walked the beach every morning. RED flags were up every single day to warm swimmers.
Esta tragedia se pudo haber evitado. No había salvavidas, procedimientos de rescate ni equipo salvavidas. Dada la cantidad de dinero que genera el turismo, el Ministerio de Turismo, los complejos turísticos y las asociaciones de condominios no protegieron a los residentes y turistas. ¡Qué vergüenza! Somos de los Estados Unidos y compartiremos esta historia con todo el mundo. ¡Es inaceptable y debe cambiar!
Esto es lo que se necesita: motos acuáticas de rescate, salvavidas capacitados con entrenamiento en RCP y rescate, aros salvavidas y tablas de rescate, puestos de salvavidas y monitoreo de playas.
Consideremos a Río de Janeiro como un excelente ejemplo. Incluso tienen helicópteros de rescate para rescatar a los residentes y turistas. Esta es una prioridad para ellos y dinero bien gastado. Los complejos turísticos de la República Dominicana parecen codiciosos y envían el mensaje de que no les importa si la gente vive o muere. ¡Se deben hacer cambios ahora!
Mis condolencias, para los familiares y amigos de los padecidos.
Yo vivo en US, se por experiencia de familiares y otros US Turistas, que muchas inhibiciones se ponen a un lado cuando uno esta de vacaciones en otro Pais, se quiere disfrutar quizas uno a ingerido alcohol bueno esta muy relaxed y se cometen ciertos errores. Se que ha habido personas consumen muchas bebidas alcoholicas, substancias illegales comen mucho y despues sufren episodios medicos.
Truly Sad, but I have no doubt that the surf and riptide warnings went out in good time. and according to other tourists the RED FLAGS were posted and ignored.
Hotels need to be in the know when ever their is high surf and keep tourists out of the water. This is tragic and should have never happened in the first place. Hotels need to make sure tourist are 100% safe in the water and get them out ASAP if the surf is dangerous.