Spanish company wins Cabo Rojo airport bid despite being the most expensive one

Acciona Construcción S.A., was the favored company for the Construction of the Cabo Rojo International Airport Airfield, despite the fact that it presented the highest economic offer of the seven companies that participated in Open Tender No. FID-2023-0002, convened by the Pro-Pedernales Trust.
The base proposal was RD$3,640,000,000.00 and Acciona Construcción S.A. submitted the economic offer of RD$3,961,295,253.98; RD$361,295,253.98 higher, which is equivalent to 8.83%.
The other companies participating in the tender were: Consorcio Aeroportuario del Sur, made up of Alba Sánchez & Asociados, S.A.S.; Consorcio Pedernales CR, made up of Ingeniería Estrella, S.A.; Remix, S.A.; Consorcio Nacir, made up of IDC Construcción, S.R.L.; Consorcio Obras Aeroportuarias de Pedernales (COAP), made up of ISECON Ingeniería Servicios y Construcciones, S.R.L. and Consorcio Oviedo, made up of J López Constructora, S.R.L.
Of the group, they scored in proposal A, corresponding to Technical Offers/Proposals received by the Bidders/Proponents Consorcio Pedernales CR with 62.0 points, Remix with 57.60 points and Acciona with 67.15 points.
Of the three, the economic offer of Consorcio Pedernales CR was RD$3,458,809,599.83, with a reduction of 4.98% of the initial proposal and that of Remix is RD$3,604,806,723.11, with a discount of 0.97%.
The final score of the three companies, taking into account proposal A and B, was 93.34 for Acciona, 92.00 for Consorcio Pedernales and 86.38 for Remix, according to 7 días.
Based on the qualification, the construction of the international airport terminal, which is being built in Oviedo, was awarded to the “Bidder/Proponent Acciona Construcción, S.A., the project object of this Open Bidding process, for complying with all the technical and economic requirements requested by the Pro-Pedernales Trust indicated in the Specifications and its respective annexes”.
The decision was made by Manuel Inoa Liranzo, Leandro Arturo Albaine Guzmán, Franklin Alejandro Durán Jiménez, Gonzalo Herasme Espinosa, Jean Paul Guerrero Guerrero, Javier Alberto Ibert Santos and Eliana Díaz Valdez, all “in their capacity as Expert of the Process”.
Although the bidding calendar established that the contract would be signed 20 days after the notification of the award, which was ordered to be made on March 4 by resolution of the Technical Management Unit, the work has not started, despite the fact that the general director of the Pirvadas Public Partnerships, Sigmund Freund, He had announced that the first sting would take place in March.
The members of the Technical Management Unit are made up of: Francisco García, Project Advisor of the Ministry of the Presidency; Ornella Orberto Méndez, Financial Advisor of the Pro-Pedernales Trust; Joel Ramírez, Legal Advisor of the Ministry of the Presidency and Eliardo Cairo Benoit, director of the Technical Subdirectorate of the DGAPP, and also authorized on that date, through the same resolution, the Banreservas Trust to prepare and sign the contract with the awarded company.
It is recalled that the Cabo Rojo International Airport, Pedernales, will be built in the Los Tres Charcos community of Oviedo, where the Government began clearing work in November 2023. By that date, it had been announced that the amount of the new international airport would be RD$2,245 million pesos.
The terminal would be the starting point for international flights that would bring the long-awaited tourists to Pedernales to the hotels that are being built.