Collado: “It is essential that the Dominican Republic gets cheaper flights”

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, reiterated in his participation in the International Tourism Fair (Fitur) 2025, that the country will focus on seeking more hotel investments, as well as on the expansion of new airlines, as he affirms that it is an “abuse” that air tickets to travel to Dominican soil are so expensive.
“What we are doing is promoting investment and then air connectivity. It is essential that the Dominican Republic gets cheaper flights. It is an abuse what happens with flights from New York, what happens with flights from Miami and Puerto Rico to the DR the fares (…) it costs you 4 and 5 thousand dollars to go to the Dominican Republic,” he criticized.
Collado indicated that the Dominican stand at Fitur is also focused on investment, adding that the country is in need of about 30,000 new rooms.
He said that the main Dominican banks present at Fitur are already having important meetings to invest in new projects, according to Z Digital.
Lower the taxes and fees on the tickets and you’ll see the difference you’re looking for. Politicians cry, “why are the flight so expensive!” Compare flights between the US and Mexico or Columbia and you’ll see why those destinations are much less expensive to fly to because their governments don’t impose as many taxes and fees.
My last ticket from EWR to SDQ…
Dominican Republic Aerodom Fee:3.11
Dominican Republic Departure Tax:20.00
Dom. Republic Airport Infrastructure Fee:18.42
Dom. Republic Airport Authority Fee:15.00
That’s $56.53 in taxes and fees just to LEAVE the island!!!!! And coming in is WORSE!!!
As my dad used to say, “Change starts at home”.
It costs less to fly to the DR from the Campo for me than flying withing the USA. The Dr has done a good job with controlling taxes and minimizing tourist fees.
The problem is that some of the regional hubs within the US cost more than flying through others.
When I book a flight, I search for up to two weeks to find an economical flight. It is a lot of work but it is definitely worth it.
This hold true for a person in the US who flies frequently. I fly to the DR every two months.
Work on agreement to some of the ports such as Atlanta, Charlotte, and Orlando. This will bring in more tourists.
They have done a good job so far, but it’s the IS airlines who are complicit.
Lee Rodriguez
US regional hubs don’t control DR taxes & fees. The $56.53 I used in my example above are DR taxes and fees and tacked on regardless of whether the flight originates from JFK, , EWR, BOS, ATL, CLT, MCO etc.
The flights from the US are extremely cheap. I would think the flights from Europe are quite expensive. I have also noticed that flying from island to island in the Caribbean costs more than flying to and from the US. One way to another island costs more than a round trip from the USA.
Definitely, if you fly Emirates, it will be extremely expensive. I notice that when flying, many people come from South America, France, and Spain. I think it is more important to form relationships with these countries.
Europe has more money to spend right now than the US. The DR should prepare for reduced tourism from the US. Our economy is on the path to destruction.
It has never cost me even a $1000 dollars to fly to RD. I have been there over 30 times in the past 5 years.
Collado was talking about a group of people
Cost me $1k when I booked last minute for a death from JFK to SDQ. Yeah it was last minute but that was a bit ridiculous.
I fly back and forth from the campo in the US. It is extremely cheap, even using campo dollars. You are correct. I have been doing this for nine years. I probably have the most experience on the board. Trust me. The RD is doing an excellent job! Focus on Europe.
Dominican airport taxes and jet fuel cost more than ALMOST ANYWHERE. Wake up. Planes fly in heavy because fuel cost more.
The local government impose Heavy amounts of taxes unlike others despite having successfully doubled the amount of visitors .Let’s demand The elimination and lowering of Those duplicate fees .