World September 26, 2023 | 8:18 am

Government accuses Haiti of violating the peace treaty signed in 1929

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic has formally accused Haiti of violating Article 10 of the Treaty of Peace, Perpetual Friendship, and Arbitration of 1929 by supporting the construction of a canal for transferring water from the Masacre River without consulting the Dominican side.

In a statement released recently, Dominican authorities state that Haiti has never officially communicated technical information about the project’s objectives, beneficiaries, or impact to the Dominican government. They argue that, given the risks associated with this canal, it was the Haitian government’s obligation to share all project information with the Dominican government.

The Dominican Republic emphasizes the importance of the border issue and President Luis Abinader’s commitment to preserving the border not only as a geographical limit but also for environmental and economic reasons. The Dajabón River, which serves as the northern geographical border, is significant ecologically and economically.

The statement highlights that diverting the natural channel of the river would result in the depletion of the water source for Laguna Saladillo, leading to the loss of rich biodiversity and international importance. It would also impact agricultural activities on both sides of the border.

Additionally, the flooding resulting from the river’s alteration would pose a threat to the lives of Dajabón and Juana Méndez residents. The Dominican government argues that the Haitian government’s failure to share project information constitutes a clear violation of Article 10 of the 1929 treaty, which obliges states not to undertake works that could change river currents or alter their sources.

The statement underscores that equitable use of the river by Haitian authorities should also involve protecting both states from potential harm. The Dominican government maintains that the immediate cessation of the unilateral construction of the transfer canal is the only condition for reaching a solution in accordance with international law.

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Paul Tierney
September 26, 2023 10:22 am

The Haitians (the mafias) are thumbing their noses at the Dominican authorities. The Haitian government is reluctantly sustaining the construction out of fear of retaliation from the domestic mafia gangs. Another reason of the Haitian government compliances may be an agenda to fan the fire to force international peace organizations to send troops to save it from the mafias. No matter which way this chaos is looked at, the RD’s buttons are being pushed by the Haitian government and the mafias. The RD will need strong resistance not to fall into the hole.

September 26, 2023 11:41 am

It seems incredible that a treaty that was negotiated almost 100 years ago, when there was only a small fraction of the current population and when times were very different, has not been renegotiated and implemented. Treaties are only of limited use and the world has seen in WW 2 how they were totally ignored. What is the use of a river that is not used in some way and there should be work done to see how the water can be used productively and equally in both Haiti and the DR rather than have it evaporate away . Imagine the River Nile not being used productively. Rather than squabbling ,it would be better to work out a good plan.

September 26, 2023 12:14 pm
Reply to  Richard

I agree with most of your comments but it is not correct or legal when one side decides to change the course of the river without consulting the other party to the treaty or doing any studies to determine what harm may be done by their actions. This is not the way that civilized people work together. In this case, the Haitian government is wrong.