Local May 28, 2018 | 1:18 pm

Journalist vanished in 1994 is Dominican democracy’s unhealed wound

Santo Domingo.- Narciso González vanished on May 26, 1994, after being apprehended by unidentified govt. agents.

That conclusion was reached by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) to condemn the Dominican Republic to pay US$450,000 in damages for an incident that remains an open wound in the country’s democratic life.

It’s a sentence in which the Dominican Republic is declared, unanimously among the Court members, internationally responsible for violating rights to personal liberty, personal integrity and the life of “Narcisazo,” 52, “an outspoken activist and critic of the dictatorial regime of Rafael Trujillo, as well as ofJoaquín Balaguer. ”

The lawyer and journalist was swallowed up by the fury of what many considered the remnant of an authoritarian regime, and to date, neither the fate nor the people linked to his disappearance have been willing to reveal his whereabouts.

Subsequent investigations only served to widen the gloom and pen the wound even wider.

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