Health May 28, 2021 | 3:00 pm

Infectious disease experts warn that situation is becoming critical

Santo Domingo, DR

The Dominican Society of Infectious Diseases (SDI) reported that the situation generated by the resurgence of COVID-19 in Greater Santo Domingo is so critical that hospital occupancy is at 100%.

The president of the entity, Clevy Perez Sanchez, explained that getting a bed for the hospitalization of a patient with COVID-19 in Greater Santo Domingo has become a real odyssey.

“Through consultation with our members, we have noted a 100 percent occupancy rate in most COVID centers in the last few days, as well as an overcrowding of outpatient clinics,” he explained.

He added that reports indicate an increase in severe and critical disease cases in patients under 50 years of age.

Given this situation, which is projected to spread throughout the country, SDI recommended the government resume the dismantled measures to stop its advance.

Perez Sanchez considered that this moment of crisis requires containment measures for the following weeks in which the vaccination process advances.

He said that opening all the economic activity without reaching a high percentage of the population with a complete vaccination scheme has been what has led to this crisis of resurgence.

In this sense, he considered that the moment the nation is living, it is propitious to reduce to 40 percent the circulation of people, both in the commercial and working centers, and maintain strict vigilance on the correct use of the mask.

In a communiqué issued yesterday, the entity considered it impossible to maintain the physical distance measures, with the public transportation system operating at total capacity and with businesses functioning at 100%.

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