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Eight tips to achieve greater savings and efficiency when using air conditioners

Madrid Spain

Air conditioning equipment is becoming the best ally of many homes in this second heat wave. For this reason, experts recommend users and companies take into account a series of tips to achieve more significant savings and efficiency when using these devices.

In this context, it is important to have equipment that allows you to enjoy a good atmosphere and that provides the best indoor air quality, hand in hand with cutting-edge filtering technologies, together with the best temperature regulation, without implying a problem when it comes to paying the electricity bill and without the price per kilowatt hour (Kwh) keeping consumers awake at night.

In this sense, the experts from Mitsubishi Electric, a leading firm in the air conditioning sector, offer a series of tips for using air conditioners correctly, achieving “the greatest energy savings and the least environmental impact,” as explained through a statement.


The first of the tips comes at the time of purchase. “It seems obvious, but here the importance of preferably using equipment that includes the highest A+++ energy rating increases. At first, it may involve a greater investment. Still, in the medium term, the savings are undoubtedly worth it,” say the experts, recalling that high-end air conditioning equipment can have a useful life of 15 years.

In this sense, they give the MSZ-LN Kirigamine Style series by Mitsubishi Electric as an example, which has the help of elements. One of them is the 3D Isee Sensor, an intelligent presence system that analyzes the interior conditions of the room to direct the air to the area where it is most needed, thus optimizing the airflow and reducing consumption.

Equipment maintenance also directly influences savings. For example, the accumulation of dirt on the filters makes the appliance consume much more. For this reason, it is imperative to carry out regular checks by yourself or a specialist and clean the filters regularly to ensure optimal equipment operation.

The experts also insist that it is necessary to be clear that the consumption of the equipment at a specific time does not mark the consumption of the whole year. For example, in air conditioning, the annual consumption is calculated by “weighting the operating regime of the machine based on the outside temperature, the partial load and the standardized operating hours.”


Current technology makes it possible to have tools or applications that can detail the estimated annual consumption of any domestic air conditioning range model. Mitsubishi Electric offers this option to its users. It achieves it this way, comparing the low energy consumption of air conditioning equipment against other appliances, “demystifying the high consumption for air conditioning.”

Another point that experts emphasize is the importance of having good thermal insulation. This point makes it easier to avoid changes in temperature that have an impact on final consumption. “In addition, it is very important to take advantage of the cooler hours, such as the first hours of the morning and the last hours of the night, to ventilate the rooms, as well as try to filter or limit the light so that the sun’s rays do not increase the interior temperature of houses,” they add.

This way, the user can program the appliance’s temperature more stable, which “greatly influences consumption.” A steady temperature is around 23 and 25 degrees.

This can be done more easily thanks to new technologies and the WiFi connection of the most modern air conditioners, which allow access to all the information on the device and control it from anywhere. Specifically, the MSZ-LN Kirigamine Style series from Mitsubishi Electric has the MELCloud system. This integrated WiFi control allows you to program and adjust the activation hours to the maximum.

Finally, receiving information from technicians specialized in air conditioning is highly recommended. “We must not forget that nobody knows the devices more than the specialists, installation technicians, and manufacturers themselves,” the experts conclude.

The company shares these and other tips in a radio format, ‘The Mitsubishi Electric Podcast,’ available on platforms such as Spotify or Ivoox, aiming that the consumer “is informed of current trends and can apply them in their day-to-day. ”

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